On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
<chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
>> The first idea should be fairly straightforward: that for
>> the projects I participate in (so far thrift and sis), that
>> the IPMC delegates to the PPMC the decision-making process
>> for voting in new committers: basically rolling back the clock
>> to May 1, 2007 on guides/ppmc.html.
> +1 from me, and I'd like to OODT to that experimental list as well :) It
> would probably make sense for Lucy too, but we're in our nascence there (not
> that it should matter).

+1 to trying this out in OODT as well.  =P

As far as the ACK process, I'd be okay with an after-the-vote ACK (a
la what the Board does with PMC members), but the goofy "pre-vote" ACK
is what got us in OODT-land taken out to the woodshed by the IPMC.  --

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