CyberNeko is at least class B, since Tika uses it.

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Jeremy Carroll <> wrote:
> On 11/12/2010 11:51 AM, Paolo Castagna wrote:
>> Also (from the JenaProposal):
>> "The Jena GRDDL Reader has some additional dependencies:
>> BrowserLauncher2 could be removed in favor of a much simpler approach
>> (i.e. write it in a file!).
> That is actually superseded by a Java6 facility, so I should do a small
> piece of recoding and remove the dependency
>> What other Apache projects do in a similar situation (i.e. you want
>> to warn the user about some potential security issues and therefore
>> you ask the user to actively agree, press a button, etc. to make sure
>> the user reads it (I know, I know...))?
> The GRDDL component runs XSLT from the Web, in a sandbox.
> The HP lawyer who advised, understanding the risks of running 3rd party
> code, wanted an explicit user action to agree to the BSD license terms, to
> have a firmer leg to stand on if the the 3rd party code proved malicious,
> and the sandbox inadequate.
> (The browser launcher is used only for the click through agreement to BSD)
>> Can someone comment/advise in relation to these two?
>>  - (i.e. Saxon)
> I noticed some other apache project with dependency on Saxon. Jena GRDDL
> Reader uses it for XSLT2 support.
>>  - (i.e. CyberNeko
>>   HTML Parser)
> which started life in Apache I believe
> Jeremy
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