Nice job of decontextualization (typical troll tactic).
Here is what I was responding to:

----- Original Message ----
> From: toki <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 6:25:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Apache Incubator Proposal
> Hash: SHA1
> On 06/06/2011 08:02,  Robert Burrell Donkin wrote:
> > AIUI the TDF uses the LGPL. Like the  Apache License (AL), the LGPL
> > also allows proprietary software to be  built on top. So, why would you
> > break your rule for a TDF project but  not an ASF one?
> It is much easier to convert Apache licensed code to  closed source,
> proprietary software, than it is to convert LGPL licensed code  to closed
> source, proprietary software.
> Given the history of OOo,  instead of 100 commercial vendors of the
> product, pointing to OOo for  support, but not providing source code, and
> not telling anybody what code  changes were made, under the Apache
> License you'll have 1,000 such  vendors.

Your complaint is about people who at the very least intend
to abide by the terms of our license, which does not grant
anyone access to the OOo brand.  In your followup to me below,
you've changed to complaining about scofflaws, which I guess consists
of about 0.01% of the existing OOo community.  If forum participants
can't deal with that level of off-topic traffic, perhaps we don't need
the forums after all.

Make up your mind please.  Talking out of both sides of your mouth
doesn't benefit anyone here.

----- Original Message ----
> From: toki <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 11:40:41 AM
> Subject: Re: Apache Incubator Proposal
> Hash: SHA1
> On 06/06/2011 13:58, Joe  Schaefer wrote:
> > Because Apache will own the brand, we can make  access to the brand
> contingent on things like non-abuse of our OOo forums,  among other
> things.
> At best, you are incredibly naive.  Those policies will stop the
> companies for all of one picosecond, if that  long.
> I've a feeling The Apache Foundation has never had to test  their
> trademark policy with organizations whose modus operandi is to  ignore
> the law. Organizations whose legal status is, at best, shaky.  Invariably
> with a domicile outside of the United States.
> If the Apache  Foundation doesn't have a formal policy on dealing with
> victims of swindlers,  formulating that policy now would be a very good
> idea. Something that the  legal team can mull through, before the first
> victim of an Apache OpenOffice  swindle posts a support question to a
> list, forum, or other point of  contact.
> A policy that won't result in The Apache Foundation having to  defend
> itself in a frivolous lawsuit, because the victim paid for  support
> provided by a venue run by The Apache  Foundation.
> jonathon
> - -- 
> If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be  anything new worth requesting.
> If Bing did not copy Google, there  wouldn't be anything relevant worth
> requesting.
>                                 DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw.
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