On 02/02/2012 09:58 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
> What do Board members think? IPMC hats on? Great. Board 
> hats on? Great too. Would be great to get opinions now 
> rather than have to wait. 

I like the simplicity of erasing the layer of management that is the

The board is a stricter parent but with less attention to detail and
patience than the IPMC has shown.  Board members are not likely to
examine every proposed release tarball to check that everything is
licensed correctly.  On the other hand, if a project doesn't report or
fails to act on advice from the board for long, then the board will
replace the chair or propose to closing the project.

Would it work to the board as a single parent?  Yes, I think it would.
It would be a "tough love" approach.  However if there were also people
advising and monitoring young projects then things might go more
smoothly.  So if folks are willing to organize and manage this kinder,
gentler parent/teacher then I'd be happy to have a VP Incubation.


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