
Thanks for your response, this is very helpful.  I have a couple of 
questions/clarifications inlined.

On May 4, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:

> * As far as I can tell from the discussion, the BigTop repos directory
> [1] doesn't neatly fit into either of the above categories. I guess
> the key question here is whether the purpose of BigTop is to be a
> particular, tested combination of upstream projects or rather a tool
> for testing and building such combinations. (Or perhaps something else
> entirely?)
> * If the former, then each subdirectory of [1] falls fairly
> conveniently into the traditional concept of convenience binaries
> built from the source release. The only extra thing you'd need is a
> proper set of license metadata and signatures for the binaries.

My question here was whether this concept of convenience binaries should extend 
beyond ASF owned packages.  I realize that many existing convenience binaries 
contain non-ASF jars, etc.  But taking the next step of explicitly distributing 
non-ASF binaries on their own concerns me.

> * If the latter, it seems to me that it isn't BigTop that should be
> distributing the packages in [1]. Instead each upstream project should
> using BigTop as a tool to produce such packages as a part of their own
> release processes.
> * In that case there might still be a role for BigTop to provide a
> central repository for such easily consumable upstream releases. This
> would be somewhat similar to the discussions that took place a few
> years ago about whether and how the ASF could host something like the
> central Maven repository.

Do you know what list that discussion took place on and a general time frame?  
Reading through that would be very helpful for my thinking on this topic.


> [1] http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/bigtop/bigtop-0.3.0-incubating/repos/
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting
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