On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:30 AM, Marvin Humphrey <mar...@rectangular.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 12:03 AM, Bruno Mahé <bm...@apache.org> wrote:
>> The output of Apache Bigtop (incubating) can be quite unusual since it
>> is a deployable production quality big data stack.
> What does it take to get a product into the Bigtop stack?

Two things are needed for a component to be proposed for
addition to Bigtop:
   * The license has to be AL
   * There has to be a champion for it

After that there's a vote by the community to include a component
into the next release (whatever that may be). Bigtop follow a rigid
date-drive quarterly release model and we vote on Bills Of Materials
(BOMs) for every new release that we are about to work on.

Finally, the work that is required for inclusion consists of:
   * providing packaging for the component on all supported platforms
   * providing deployment code for the component
   * providing smoke test code for the component

One that patch including all 3 of the above is posted on a JIRA,
+1ed and committed the component is considered to be part of
the Bigtop. We do not have a notion of "maintainers". Once something
is added to Bigtop it is everybody's responsibility to maintain it.

> I don't see any legal problems, but is vendor neutrality an issue here?

At this point I'm slightly confused as to what this thread is actually
trying to accomplish. I thought the original intent was to:
   * screen for potential legal issues
   * help incubator mentors understand Bigtop

I believe we've accomplished both. To the best of our collective
knowledge there are no legal issues with adding Hue to Bigtop
and it feels like the mission and charter of Bigtop is now well

Is there anything else left to be discussed?


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