Hello Christian,

On Dec 26, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Marcel,
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Marcel Offermans
> <marcel.offerm...@luminis.nl> wrote:
>> -1 Because: The release now is a ZIP file, and contains the NOTICE and 
>> LICENSE files, but they must be located at the root of the archive [1], and 
>> not in a subfolder like they are now.
> For me they are in the root folder. It looks exactly as the Apache Parent:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/releases/org/apache/apache/12/
> My package opens like this:
> $ tree .
> .
> ├── NOTICE
> ├── pom.xml
> └── src
>    └── site
>        └── site.xml
> Can you please tell me what you are seeing? I really don't get what you mean.

This is what I am seeing:

Marcels-MacBook-Pro:Downloads marcel$ unzip -l 
Archive:  org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating-source-release.zip
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/
        0  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/src/
        0  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/src/site/
      531  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/DISCLAIMER
    11357  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/LICENSE
      208  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/NOTICE
    29715  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/pom.xml
     4193  12-21-12 05:29   
      262  12-21-12 05:29   org.apache.onami.parent-1-incubating/DEPENDENCIES
 --------                   -------
    46266                   9 files

Sorry for the crappy formatting. :)

Just to be sure it's not my "unzip" tool:

Marcels-MacBook-Pro:Downloads marcel$ jar tf 

>> A question about the contents of the NOTICE file, can you explain why you 
>> included the line:
>> "Copyright 2010-2012 The 99 Software Foundation" ?
> hm I think the original package maintainer left this in the NOTICE
> file. Before Onami came to the Incubator, it was maintained by "99
> Software Foundation" (which is not really a registered foundation).
> Most likely he thinks that the history should be kept in the NOTICE
> file like we do sometimes with attributing people who donated a few
> classes.

It should only be in the notice if Onami contains third-party software that 
requires you mention it [1]. Since this is code that was donated to Apache, I 
don't think that applies, so you should leave it out.

Greetings, Marcel

[1] http://apache.org/legal/resolved.html#required-third-party-notices

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