Hi Kevin,

This sounds like a much needed project. I endorse the concept but as
Bertrand pointed out you need a bit more diversity. Otherwise I see no
problem with moving forward.

Good luck!

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 4:55 PM, Kevin Minder

> Knox Gateway Proposal
> == Abstract ==
> Knox Gateway is a system that provides a single point of secure access for
> Apache Hadoop clusters.
> == Proposal ==
> The Knox Gateway (“Gateway” or “Knox”) is a system that provides a single
> point of authentication and access for Apache Hadoop services in a cluster.
> The goal is to simplify Hadoop security for both users (i.e. who access the
> cluster data and execute jobs) and operators (i.e. who control access and
> manage the cluster). The Gateway runs as a server (or cluster of servers)
> that serve one or more Hadoop clusters.
> Provide perimeter security to make Hadoop security setup easier
> Support authentication and token verification security scenarios
> Deliver users a single cluster end-point that aggregates capabilities for
> data and jobs
> Enable integration with enterprise and cloud identity management
> environments
> == Background ==
> An Apache Hadoop cluster is presented to consumers as a loose collection
> of independent services. This makes it difficult for users to interact with
> Hadoop since each service maintains it’s own method of access and security.
> As well, for operators, configuration and administration of a secure Hadoop
> cluster is a complex and many Hadoop clusters are insecure as a result.
> == Rationale ==
> Organizations that are struggling with Hadoop cluster security result in
> a) running Hadoop without security or b) slowing adoption of Hadoop. The
> Gateway aims to provide perimeter security that integrates more easily into
> existing organizations’ security infrastructure. Doing so will simplify
> security for these organizations and benefit all Hadoop stakeholders (i.e.
> users and operators). Additionally, making a dedicated perimeter security
> project part of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem will prevent fragmentation in
> this area and further increase the value of Hadoop as a data platform.
> == Current Status ==
> Prototype available, developed by the list of initial committers.
> === Meritocracy ===
> We desire to build a diverse developer community around Gateway following
> the Apache Way. We want to make the project open source and will encourage
> contributors from multiple organizations following the Apache meritocracy
> model.
> === Community ===
> We hope to extend the user and developer base in the future and build a
> solid open source community around Gateway. Apache Hadoop has a large
> ecosystem of open source projects, each with a strong community of
> contributors. All project communities in this ecosystem have an opportunity
> to participate in the advancement of the Gateway project because
> ultimately, Gateway will enable the security capabilities of their project
> to be more enterprise friendly.
> === Core Developers ===
> Gateway is currently being developed by several engineers from Hortonworks
> - Kevin Minder, Larry McCay, John Speidel, Tom Beerbower and Sumit Mohanty.
> All the engineers have deep expertise in middleware, security & identity
> systems and are quite familiar with the Hadoop ecosystem.
> === Alignment ===
> The ASF is a natural host for Gateway given that it is already the home of
> Hadoop, Hive, Pig, HBase, Oozie and other emerging big data software
> projects. Gateway is designed to solve the security challenges familiar to
> the Hadoop ecosystem family of projects.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products & Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> The core developers plan to work full time on the project. We believe that
> this project will be of general interest to many Hadoop users and will
> attract a diverse set of contributors. We intend to demonstrate this by
> having contributors from several organizations recognized as committers by
> the time Knox graduates from incubation.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> All of the core developers are active users and followers of open source.
> As well, Hortonworks has a strong heritage of success with contributions to
> Apache Hadoop Projects.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> The current core developers are from Hortonworks, however, we hope to
> establish a developer community that includes contributors from several
> corporations.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Currently, the developers are paid to do work on Gateway. However, once
> the project has a community built around it, we expect to get committers
> and developers from outside the current core developers.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Gateway is going to be used by the users and operators of Hadoop, and the
> Hadoop ecosystem in general.
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Our interest in developing Gateway in Apache project is to follow an
> established development model, as well since many of the Hadoop ecosystem
> projects also are part of Apache, Gateway will complement those projects by
> following the same development and contribution model.
> == Documentation ==
> There is documentation in Hortonworks’ internal repositories. These can be
> shared upon request and will be transferred into the Apache CM system if
> this proposal is accepted.
> == Initial Source ==
> The source is currently in Hortonworks’ internal repositories. The process
> of making this GitHub repository public has been started and the URL will
> be provided once available.
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The complete Gateway code is under Apache Software License 2.
> == External Dependencies ==
> The Gateway dependencies are listed below, separated by Category A and
> Category B as defined in the Apache Third-Party Licensing Policy. Note:
> These are the direct dependencies. Indirect dependencies are not included.
> === Category A Dependencies ===
> Apache Commons - ASLv2.0
> commons-io:commons-io#2.4
> commons-cli:commons-cli#1.2
> commons-codec:commons-codec#1.**7
> org.apache.commons:commons-**digester3#3.2
> org.apache.commons:commons-**vfs2#2.0
> Apache Hadoop - ASLv2.0
> org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth#**0.23.3
> org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-core#**1.0.3
> Apache Geronimo - ASLv2.0
> org.apache.geronimo.**components:geronimo-jaspi#2.0.**0
> org.apache.geronimo.specs:**geronimo-osgi-locator#1.1
> Apache Shiro - ASLv2.0
> org.apache.shiro:shiro-web#1.**2.1
> ApacheDS - ASLv2.0
> org.apache.directory.server:**apacheds-all#1.5.5
> Log4J - ASLv2.0
> log4j:log4j#1.2.17
> SL4J - MIT
> org.slf4j:slf4j-api#1.6.6
> org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12#1.6.6
> Guava - ASLv2.0
> com.google.guava:guava#14.0-**rc1
> HttpClient - ASLv2.0
> org.apache.httpcomponents:**httpclient#4.2.1
> Jetty - ASLv2.0
> org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-**server#8.1.7.v20120910
> org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-**servlet#8.1.7.v20120910
> org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-**webapp#8.1.7.v20120910
> org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jaspi#**8.1.7.v20120910
> org.eclipse.jetty.aggregate:**jetty-all#8.1.7.v20120910
> org.eclipse.jetty:test-jetty-**servlet#8.1.7.v20120910
> Spring Security - ASLv2.0
> org.springframework:spring-**core#3.1.3.RELEASE
> org.springframework:spring-**context#3.1.3.RELEASE
> org.springframework:spring-**web#3.1.3.RELEASE
> org.springframework.security:**spring-security-core#3.1.3.**RELEASE
> org.springframework.security:**spring-security-web#3.1.3.**RELEASE
> org.springframework.security:**spring-security-config#3.1.3.**RELEASE
> org.springframework.security:**spring-security-ldap#3.1.2.**RELEASE
> org.springframework.ldap:**spring-ldap-core#1.3.1.RELEASE
> org.springframework.ldap:**spring-ldap-core-tiger#1.3.1.**RELEASE
> org.springframework.ldap:**spring-ldap-odm#1.3.1.RELEASE
> org.springframework.ldap:**spring-ldap-ldif-core#1.3.1.**RELEASE
> org.springframework.ldap:**spring-ldap-ldif-batch#1.3.1.**RELEASE
> JBoss ShrinkWrap - ASLv2.0
> org.jboss.shrinkwrap:**shrinkwrap-api#1.0.1
> org.jboss.shrinkwrap:**shrinkwrap-impl-base#1.0.1
> org.jboss.shrinkwrap.**descriptors:shrinkwrap-**
> descriptors-api-javaee#2.0.0-**alpha-4
> org.jboss.shrinkwrap.**descriptors:shrinkwrap-**
> descriptors-impl-javaee#2.0.0-**alpha-4
> === Category A Dependencies (Test) ===
> EasyMock - ASLv2.0
> org.easymock:easymock#3.0
> XML Matchers - ASLv2.0
> org.xmlmatchers:xml-matchers#**0.10
> Hamcrest - BSDv3
> org.hamcrest:hamcrest-api#1.0
> org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core#1.**2.1
> org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library#**1.2.1
> JsonPath - ASLv2.0
> com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path#**0.8.1
> com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path-**assert#0.8.1
> XMLTool - ASLv2.0
> com.mycila.xmltool:xmltool#3.3
> REST-assured - ASLv2.0
> com.jayway.restassured:rest-**assured#1.6.2
> === Category B Dependencies ===
> Jersey - CDDLv1.1 or GPL2wCPE
> com.sun.jersey:jersey-server#**1.14
> com.sun.jersey:jersey-servlet#**1.14
> Jerico - EPLv1.0
> net.htmlparser.jericho:**jericho-html#3.2
> Servlet - CDDLv1.0 or GPLv2
> javax.servlet:javax.servlet-**api#3.0.1
> JUnit - CPLv1.0
> junit:junit#4.11
> == Cryptography ==
> The Gateway uses cryptographic software indirectly as a result of having
> two dependencies: ApacheDS and Apache Shiro. Gateway does not include any
> special or custom cryptographic technologies.
> ApacheDS is an ASF project and has been classified Export Commodity
> Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1 due to it’s dependency on Bouncy Castle.
> More information on the ApacheDS classification can be found at
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/**asf/directory/apacheds/trunk/**
> installers/README<http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/apacheds/trunk/installers/README>
> Apache Shiro is an ASF project and has been classified Export Commodity
> Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1. More information on the Apache Shiro
> classification can be found at http://svn.apache.org/repos/**
> asf/shiro/trunk/README<http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shiro/trunk/README>
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing lists ===
> knox-dev AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
> knox-commits AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
> knox-user AT hms incubator apache DOT org
> knox-private AT incubator DOT apache DOT org
> === Subversion Directory ===
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/**asf/incubator/knox<https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/knox>
> === Issue Tracking ===
> JIRA Knox (KNOX)
> == Initial Committers ==
> Kevin Minder (kevin DOT minder AT hortonworks DOT com)
> Larry McCay (lmccay AT hortonworks DOT com)
> John Speidel (jspeidel AT hortonworks DOT com)
> Tom Beerbower (tbeerbower AT hortonworks DOT com)
> Sumit Mohanty (smohanty AT hortonworks DOT com)
> == Affiliations ==
> Kevin Minder (Hortonworks)
> Larry McCay (Hortonworks)
> John Speidel (Hortonworks)
> Tom Beerbower (Hortonworks)
> Sumit Mohanty (Hortonworks)
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> Devaraj Das (ddas AT apache DOT org)
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> Owen O’Malley (omalley AT apache DOT org)
> Mahadev Konar (mahadev AT apache DOT org)
> Alan Gates (gates AT apache DOT org)
> Devaraj Das (ddas AT apache DOT org)
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> Incubator PMC
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**---------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> general-unsubscribe@incubator.**apache.org<general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org>
> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> general-help@incubator.apache.**org<general-h...@incubator.apache.org>

Best Regards,
-- Alex

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