Dear Apache Members,

After this discussion we have renamed the proposal to Apache Olingo.

@Dennis: Thanks again to your feedback here.


On 21.06.13 17:42, "Dennis E. Hamilton" <> wrote:

>I support your choice to have a different name.
> - Dennis
>I'm not sure how "Olingo" is pronounced in Spanish but I'm certain there
>will be much fun creating artwork of the little critter.  It looks like
>an animal that must be on the cover of an O'Reilly book somewhere.  (I
>find raccoons, their cousins, more appealing, except when they are
>pillaging the cherry tree at my house.)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Klevenz, Stephan []
>Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 06:34 AM
>Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] OData Proposal for Incubator
>Importance: High
>Hi Dennis,
>Sorry for coming back so late to your valuable feedback. After re-thinking
>about the trademark issue and your thoughts about confusion we come to
>conclusion to use a different name for the project. I would like to change
>our project name to
>Apache Olingo
>Olingo is a little bear [1] and that name should avoid any confusion with
>the OASIS standard or any other potential trademark holder. If there are
>no concerns then I will go and change our proposal to Apache Olingo.
>On 18.06.13 15:58, "Dennis E. Hamilton" <> wrote:
>>I think there will be an issue with regard to trademarks and you will
>>have to deal with folks seeing the trademark of "Apache OData" as a
>>land-grab at "OData" itself.  The simplicity you think is avoiding
>>confusion is, in that respect, causing confusion.
>>In any case, it is always wise to avoid confusion of a (standard)
>>specification, even OASIS Standard OData v3.0 or whatever, with the name
>>of an implementation.  OASIS is going to make their own claims about some
>>of those terms as well, if the past practice is any guide.
>> - Dennis
>>The ODF Toolkit snuck by, much to my dismay, even capturing odf as their
>>incubator repository name, but they may have to deal with that to
>>graduate to a TLP.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Klevenz, Stephan []
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 06:27 AM
>>Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] OData Proposal for Incubator
>>Hello Dennis,
>>Good point! The project naming was a challenge for us and maybe I just
>>explain why we prefer Apache OData as project name. The main reason is
>>Someone who is interested in OData will use this term and the result page
>>will today list as the protocols homepage, Wikipedia which is
>>fine and the OASIS TC. In future we would like to see that Apache OData
>>highly ranked and completes the search result list.
>>If we use a different name someone has to know this name and has to
>>for it explicitly. We would like to keep it simple and avoid confusion.
>>We had also a look into the ASF project naming guidelines and I think
>>of the points there are considered by the name Apache OData.
>>On 18.06.13 03:28, "Dennis E. Hamilton" <> wrote:
>>>I think one concern here is appropriation of a generic, specified-tied
>>>name to an implementation, even a reference implementation.
>>>"Apache OData" seems over-reaching in that respect, especially since
>>>there are other projects, at ASF and elsewhere, that may employ OData
>>>bindings and services of one sort or another.
>>[ ... ]

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