I also see thor is being used by infra:

(mentioning, because it has been proposed as name too).

However, it's not so bad. I actually mixed up Baldur with Heimdall, who is the actual "protector" of Bifröst. Baldur was more known because he was able to return from Hel (sounds like a good name for a server ;-)
A quick crosscheck told me Heimdall is not used that often.

For those who were concerned about using nordic godnames: Heimdall was named as the "father of all humans".

He was also known for his horn Gjallarhorn which he blew when danger appeared. Most notable he blew that horn when Ragnarökr (the end of our time and the fall of the gods) starts.

I imagine the sound of a horn when critical notification of the tool happens ;-)

Another idea i just had was "Dagr". It old norsk for "Day". In old myths Dagr is the son of night and he rides his horse Skinfaxi through heaven. The crest of the horse lights the earth with golden shimmer. I imagine Apache Dagr to shed light on the dark corners of our applications.

Heck, when I was young i read a lot about northern mythology. Its so poetic. I should spend some time to read again.

On 25 Sep 2013, at 10:19, Daniel Gruno wrote:

On 09/25/2013 09:21 AM, Tammo van Lessen wrote:
Baldr is fine with me, my only concern is the similarity to Apache Buildr.

Just a heads up from infra; baldr.apache.org is already very much a
thing, and has been for more than five years. If it can be avoided, we'd really appreciate it if we can keep the name Baldr for our infrastructure.

With regards,

Am 25.09.2013 01:18 schrieb "Olivier Lamy" <ol...@apache.org>:

So what about Baldr?
BTW we can start incubation using Monitoring then change the name for TLP?

On 21 September 2013 06:30, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com>
I would like to throw in this document:

We should make a few tests already before we start the process

here is the current list, i felt so free to add a few comments already.

- CoMon
There is "Common Software", a company. We might have a trademarks
problem because of similarity.

- Leitstand
Not sure if I like the sound :-), but did not find any repositories at github. From the meaning, a Leitstand is usually something were you can adjust things (more power, less steam and so on). Monitoring would be only a part of it. But on the other hand, it expresses things well and
it is a unused word so far.

- Thor
Great name, great god, but unfortunately a lot of people use that name
for their code :-(

- Balder / Baldur, also possible: Baldr
I haven't see a lot with that name, but we need to check this more in

From that perspective, Leitstand would be the best catch from a unique
point of view. I like Baldr very much from that meaning.

Lets see if there are more names the next days.

Romain Manni-Bucau schrieb:
Why not "CoMon"? Remind commons monitoring, that's fun and closer to
english so easier to propagate IMO.
Le 20 sept. 2013 12:59, "Jean-Baptiste Onofré" <j...@nanthrax.net> a
écrit :

I like the "Apache Leitstand" name.


On 09/20/2013 09:51 AM, Tammo van Lessen wrote:

So if German is en vogue already, I'd propose "Apache Leitstand" [1],
means "control room". I think it would make also a nice name when pronounced in English. This of course only works if the GUI is an
piece of the project, which is the case if I understood correctly.


[1] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Leitstand<

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 3:23 AM, Olivier Lamy <ol...@apache.org>

So It looks we have more interested folks.
But before starting the vote I'd like to find an other name for the
Someone proposed "Baldur" or "Balder" (note, It's a popular germanic god). So as a French guy this proposition looks to be rude for me
More seriously, this name doesn't hurt me.
If any other propositions, it's time to speak.


On 16 September 2013 08:25, Tammo van Lessen <tvanles...@gmail.com>

Am 15.09.2013 15:35 schrieb "Romain Manni-Bucau" <


Angular is great but i hope well keep extensibility possible


all case well get at least a thread on it to discuss about the
stack we
want and well use ;)

Looking forward to that discussion ;) I'd prefer progressive
over SPAs in this context as well. Or even http://roca-style.org.


Olivier Lamy
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