On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Sean Owen <sro...@apache.org> wrote:

The proposal just says it overlaps, and that it might be good have a
> different group of people reimplement some of the same things. Is
> there a real gap that people want to build to plug here with overlap
> at the edges, or is the scope of the pre-existing code driving
> overlap? (I honestly do not know, asking.)

There are a fair number of Apache projects that overlap each other's scope:

   - Thrift and Avro
   - Parquet, Hive's ORC, and Avro's Trevni
   - Accumulo, HBase, and Cassandra

This is accepted because Apache isn't trying to dictate a universal
platform. It is about groups of developers learning from each other about
how to grow their respective open source communities.

That said, Sentry and Argus have different approaches, focus, and
technologies. Obviously, open source projects are largely about scratching
an unanswered itch. If Sentry met everyone's needs, no one would waste
their time reimplementing it. You only work on something if you think you
can do it better.

.. Owen

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