On 11 Aug 2014, at 10:14, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
With this in mind, I would remove almost everything from the "What is
retirement" section and keep just

A retired project is a project which has been closed down for various
reasons, instead of graduating as an Apache project. It is no longer
developed in the Apache Incubator and does not have any other duties.

The project's code might stay available on Apache servers, if all the
required IP clearance requirements have been met.

Retirement is a decision of the Incubator PMC, which usually delegates
it to the incubating project's mentors. The opinion of the incubating
project's community should of course be taken into account, but in the
end it's the Incubator PMC which makes the decision.

Interesting and I think this is really good (writes a guy who discussed the rules a lot).

The problem we wanted to solve (i think) was: how can we keep our incubator list
clean and be pro-active when it comes to housekeeping?

If the IPMC would look at the reporting podlings each month and check if
retirement is needed, then the above phrase might make perfect sense.

Some might consider it "unfair" to be retired. In example, some projects as Wave look inactive but there is some life left. Retire or not? It's subjective. There is a good chance we keep some long-term running projects, but on the other hand...
what would it matter?

That being said, I would love if the other docs would get such an haircut as well.


And also keep the "steps to retirement" section.


[1] http://incubator.apache.org/guides/retirement.html

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