Should the subject be for "Zeppelin" not SAMOA?

Other then that - I love the idea!


On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 03:39PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose Zeppelin as an Apache Incubator
> project:
> Please let me know what do you think and feel free to
> volunteer as additional mentors for the project.
> The easiest way to get to see what this project looks like
> in action would be this demo:
> Thanks,
> Roman.
> == Abstract ==
> Zeppelin is a collaborative data analytics and visualization tool for
> distributed, general-purpose data processing systems such as Apache
> Spark, Apache Flink, etc.
> == Proposal ==
> Zeppelin is a modern web-based tool for the data scientists to
> collaborate over large-scale data exploration and visualization
> projects. It is a notebook style interpreter that enable collaborative
> analysis sessions sharing between users. Zeppelin is independent of
> the execution framework itself. Current version runs on top of Apache
> Spark but it has pluggable interpreter APIs to support other data
> processing systems. More execution frameworks could be added at a
> later date i.e Apache Flink, Crunch as well as SQL-like backends such
> as Hive, Tajo, MRQL.
> We have a strong preference for the project to be called Zeppelin. In
> case that may not be feasible, alternative names could be: “Mir”,
> “Yuga” or “Sora”.
> == Background ==
> Large scale data analysis workflow includes multiple steps like data
> acquisition, pre-processing, visualization, etc and may include
> inter-operation of multiple different tools and technologies. With the
> widespread of the open source general-purpose data processing systems
> like Spark there is a lack of open source, modern user-friendly tools
> that combine strengths of interpreted language for data analysis with
> new in-browser visualization libraries and collaborative capabilities.
> Zeppelin initially started as a GUI tool for diverse set of
> SQL-over-Hadoop systems like Hive, Presto, Shark, etc. It was open
> source since its inception in Sep 2013. Later, it became clear that
> there was a need for a greater web-based tool for data scientists to
> collaborate on data exploration over the large-scale projects, not
> limited to SQL. So Zeppelin integrated full support of Apache Spark
> while adding a collaborative environment with the ability to run and
> share interpreter sessions in-browser
> == Rationale ==
> There are no open source alternatives for a collaborative
> notebook-based interpreter with support of multiple distributed data
> processing systems.
> As a number of companies adopting and contributing back to Zeppelin is
> growing, we think that having a long-term home at Apache foundation
> would be a great fit for the project ensuring that processes and
> procedures are in place to keep project and community “healthy” and
> free of any commercial, political or legal faults.
> == Initial Goals ==
> The initial goals will be to move the existing codebase to Apache and
> integrate with the Apache development process. This includes moving
> all infrastructure that we currently maintain, such as: a website, a
> mailing list, an issues tracker and a Jenkins CI, as mentioned in
> “Required Resources” section of current proposal.
> Once this is accomplished, we plan for incremental development and
> releases that follow the Apache guidelines.
> To increase adoption the major goal for the project would be to
> provide integration with as much projects from Apache data ecosystem
> as possible, including new interpreters for Apache Hive, Apache Drill
> and adding Zeppelin distribution to Apache Bigtop.
> On the community building side the main goal is to attract a diverse
> set of contributors by promoting Zeppelin to wide variety of
> engineers, starting a Zeppelin user groups around the globe and by
> engaging with other existing Apache projects communities online.
> == Current Status ==
> Currently, Zeppelin has 4 released versions and is used in production
> at a number of companies across the globe mentioned in Affiliation
> section. Current implementation status is pre-release with public API
> not being finalized yet. Current main and default backend processing
> engine is Apache Spark with consistent support of SparkSQL.
> Zeppelin is distributed as a binary package which includes an embedded
> webserver, application itself, a set of libraries and startup/shutdown
> scripts. No platform-specific installation packages are provided yet
> but it is something we are looking to provide as part of Apache Bigtop
> integration.
> Project codebase is currently hosted at, which will form
> the basis of the Apache git repository.
> === Meritocracy ===
> Zeppelin is an open source project that already leverages meritocracy
> principles.  It was started by a handfull of people and now it has
> multiple contributors, although as the number of contribution grows we
> want to build a diverse developer and user community that is governed
> by the "Apache way". Users and new contributors will be treated with
> respect and welcomed; they will earn merit in the project by tendering
> quality patches and support that move the project forward. Those with
> a proven support and quality patch track record will be encouraged to
> become committers.
> === Community ===
> Zeppelin already has a burgeoning community of users spread across the
> world that leverage and contributes to the code base and mailing list.
> We hope that being part of Apache Foundation will help to grow it more
> and convert some of the users into active contributors to the project.
> === Core Developers ===
> The core developers of Zeppelin are listed in our contributors and
> initial PPMC below. It is a diverse group of people from two
> companies, NFLabs and Between, as mentioned in Affiliations section
> including at least one Apache committer and PPMC member, Lee Moon Soo,
> of Apache MRQL project.
> === Alignment ===
> Zeppelin is already integrated with Apache Spark. Integration with
> Apache Tajo and Apache MRQL is something that has been currently
> worked on. Apache Flink is a potential next integration step. We also
> plan to add a binary distribution of Zeppelin to Apache Bigtop to
> align it with whole ASF Hadoop data stack.
> == Known Risks ==
> We feel that for Zeppelin to become as successful as it can be, it
> needs to be picked up by as many back-end systems as possible, not
> only Apache Spark.
> === Orphaned Products ===
> Initial code contributors were from the same company but in last few
> months we see signs of the global adoption, at least 2 more companies
> in Europe and US have products based on a Zeppelin codebase. Other
> companies use Zeppelin in production for their data analytics
> workflows. We believe that this, plus the fact that Zeppelin already
> have contributors from different companies mitigates this risk well.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> Zeppelin was born as an open source project from scratch. Majority of
> the current core contributors have experience working on other open
> source projects. We also expect that as we grow the community further
> based on meritocracy and with the guidance of more experienced mentors
> this will have a positive influence on the project in the long term.
> === Homogenous Developers ===
> The initial committers are from same region but there are already 2
> companies in the Europe that contribute to Zeppelin and others in US
> also reviewing it and being active on the mailing list. We are
> committed to create diverse mix of developers from all over the world.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Most of the Zeppelin contributors use it as tool of choice either in
> their own companies internally or distribute it as part of the
> product.
> Backend agnostic design helps to keep it as tool of choice for diverse
> community of data analysts even if they move from one employee to
> another.
> There also is at least one university in US with students who
> potentially might use Zeppelin for R’n’D projects.
> === Relationship with Other Apache Products ===
> Right now Zeppelin relies on Apache Spark to run distributed task
> across a cluster of machines, but it’s abstract interpreter design
> allows it to work with other systems like Apache MRQL, Apache Crunch
> as well as SQL-based systems like Apache Tajo, Apache Hive
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> We believe that joining Apache will help us attract more contributors
> to Zeppelin, by giving us a well-defined, transparent development and
> governance process under a known brand. The reason for this proposal
> is not to gain publicity, but to further strengthen the longevity of
> the project without affiliation with any particular company. There are
> no plans to use of Apache brand in press releases nor posting
> advertising of acceptance it into Apache Incubator.
> === Documentation ===
> Additional documentation on Zeppelin may be found on its github website:
>  * Zeppelin overview:
>  * Zeppelin docs:
>  * Zeppelin road map:
>  * Zeppelin issue tracking:
>  * Zeppelin codebase:
>  * User group:
> == Initial Source ==
> Zeppelin codebase is currently hosted on Github:
> === Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===
> Currently, the Zeppleing codebase is distributed under an Apache 2.0 License.
> == External Dependencies ==
> To the best of our knowledge, all other dependencies of Zeppelin are
> distributed under Apache compatible licenses (e.g. junit is EPL,
> Eclipse Public License v1.0, atmosphere-jersey is CDDL1.0  and
> dom4j:dom4 is BSD licensed, org.slf4j and
> are MIT).
> Only org.reflections:reflections
> is WTFPL 2.0, which should not
> be a problem as of
> Upon acceptance to the incubator, we would begin a thorough analysis
> of all transitive dependencies to verify this information and
> introduce license checking into the build and release process by
> integrating with Apache Rat.
> == Required Resources ==
> === Mailing list ===
> We will migrate the existing Zeppelin mailing lists as follows:
>  * -->
>  *
>  * for PPMC members
>  *
> The latter is to be consistent with the new PIAO naming scheme for podlings.
> === Source control ===
> Zeppelin team would like to use Git for source control, as it already
> uses Git. We request a writeable Git repo for Zeppelin, and mirroring
> to be set up to Github through INFRA.
> === Issue Tracking ===
> Zeppelin currently uses the Jira tracking system
> We will
> migrate to the Apache JIRA:
> === Other Resources ===
>  * Jenkins/Hudson for builds and test running.
>  * Wiki for documentation purposes
>  * Blog to improve project dissemination
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Lee Moon Soo <moon at apache dot org>
>  * Anthony Corbacho <corbacho.anthony at gmail dot com>, CLA submitted
>  * Damien Corneau <corneadoug at gmail dot com>, CLA submitted
>  * Alexander Bezzubov <abezzubov at nflabs dot com>, CLA confirmed
>  * Kevin Sangwoo Kim <sangwookim dot me at gmail dot us>, CLA confirmed
> == Affiliations ==
>  * Lee Moon Soo: NFLabs
>  * Anthony Corbacho: NFLabs
>  * Damien Corneau: NFLabs
>  * Alexander Bezzubov: NFLabs
>  * Kevin Sangwoo Kim: VCNC (a.k.a Between)
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
>  * Roman Shaposhnik
> === Nominated Mentors ===
>  * Konstantin Boudnik
>  * Ted Dunning
>  * Henry Saputra
>  * Roman Shaposhnik
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
>  The Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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