On 2015-07-22 00:15, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:
Accusation of what exactly?
Quoting Roy out of context.

Here's what you said: "Quoting Roy out of context is not a Hail Mary you can
just throw out there when someone disagrees with you."

To the best of my knowledge, Roy has not been a part of the Ignite
discussion, nor is he quoting policy in that particular sentence, but
stating his opinion that the published Incubator policy should be overlooked
(to which I disagree). Yes, he explains in rigorous detail why he thinks the
way he thinks, but that is still an _opinion_, and quoting it as if it is
policy (our published policy still begs to differ) is something I will
consider as being out of context,
Then you should've said "quoting it as if it is policy". Because you see:
    "quoting it as if it is policy" != "Quoting Roy out of context"

Precision of language in contentious online discussions is of paramount

This time I'll chalk up our misunderstanding to your sloppy use of language
in that particular sentence.

I don't believe I was being sloppy in my use of language, but I don't want to turn this into a battle over which dictionary is the best, despite your counter-accusation of my sloppy verbal skills.

Which brings us back to what you actually wanted to say, which is: "quoting it
as if it is policy". That was NOT my intent. My intent was to *highlight* what
I took as a very insightful statement made in discussion extremely similar
to the one we're having here 3 years after the original discussion.

Roy's statement changed the way I think about ASF and IPMC. That was all I
was trying to communicate.
Be that as it may, if people have concerns about it, and it's still in the policy docs, you either acknowledge and try your best to deal with these concerns, or you work to change the policy, preferably in a _separate channel_, you don't just dismiss it.

I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with whether it is the _right_ policy, I am merely stating that it IS in our published policy and that concerns have been raised relating to this. This particular bit has nothing to do with Ignite, but graduation in general.

With regards,


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