On 29.07.2015 19:25, Greg Stein wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2015 11:37 AM, "Branko Čibej" <br...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 29.07.2015 18:14, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2015, at 03:19 AM, Branko Čibej wrote:
>>>> Personally I'm not too happy with how this community tracks issues, but
>>>> hey, if it works for them, why fix it? It'll be a fine day when the
>>>> starts telling podlings how their development workflow should look
> like.
>>> Does "works for them" translate into "people not currently in the
>>> community can follow how the existing community tracks issues, so they
>>> can contribute and become part of the community"? If so, then maybe it's
>>> OK. If it's not transparent to folks not currently part of that
>>> community, it's hard to see how the community will sustain itself with
>>> new members as other folks inevitably move on to other projects.
>> Given that new contributors keep showing up on a regular basis, I have
>> to assume that it's not so opaque as all that.
>> Anyway, Ignite has been discussing and implementing a revised (and IMO
>> better) set of policies for Jira use and git workflow since this
>> discussion started; other than displaying an incomprehensible preference
>> for RTC, it seems to be going well.
> I always translate RTC as "we don't trust you, so somebody else must
> approve anything you do."

Both Cos and I have been doing our best to explain exactly that to the
podling community. Unfortunately they have bad examples in some very
high profile TLPs, which makes it an uphill battle. It doesn't help that
the Incubator does nothing to promote CTR over RTC.

> To me, that is a lousy basis for creating a community. Trust and peer
> respect should be the basis, which implies CTR. I have seen many excuses
> for RTC, but they all are just window dressing over mistrust.

As far as I'm concerned, RTC <== FUD, especially the eff part.

-- Brane

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