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On 11/05/2015 12:49 PM, larry mccay wrote:
> +1 - I am concerned by the trend that I see developing here.
> A set of interview questions for evaluation is one thing but
> criteria checkboxes that will encourage behaviors by rote will not
> actually develop more healthy communities just communities that can
> get the boxes checked.
> While certain metrics like adding PMC members may be indicators of
> natural growth they should not be required otherwise they will be
> done artificially.

Given your comments, I'm curious if you've read the document we're
discussing. It's here:

It's a set of interview questions for evaluation. None of them can
really be considered checkboxes, since every one of them requires
quite a bit of research and thought to fill out, and hardly any of
them will have a clear yes or no answer, but are rather a goal that we
all continually strive towards. (Sure, some of them are clearly yes or
no, but most are not.)

> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Justin Erenkrantz
> <jus...@erenkrantz.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Roman Shaposhnik
>> <ro...@shaposhnik.org> wrote:
>>> Correct. It is a tool, but not a requirement (at least not
>>> yet). And since I repeatedly suggested this tool on this thread
>>> let me explain
>> why.
>> And, this is the root of my concern expressed in the other
>> general@ thread: I fear that this is going to quickly evolve to
>> yet another bureaucratic form that the IPMC is going to quickly
>> require all projects to complete.
>> We should not be trying to force rote learning.  Every community
>> is different.
>> Trust the mentors or don't - but, I am very much opposed to more 
>> overhead.  Forcing projects to feel like they have to report
>> monthly is against what we should be about.  I believe that the
>> IPMC should be imposing the barest amount of overhead to what the
>> Board requires from the full projects.  To that end, having
>> mentors explicitly sign-off is fair - but, additional paperwork
>> is not.  -- justin
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