There should be no recommendation for podlings. Mentors should guide the 
podling to making the right decision for their community by discussing the pros 
and cons of each model.

The idea of a mentor bringing their preference, or worse the IPMC having a 
"default" is problematic.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Dennis E. Hamilton<>
Sent: ‎11/‎6/‎2015 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and 

I think there is a difference between what TLPs do and what the recommended 
approach for Podlings is.

My impression, based on limited podling experience, is that the default tends 
to be PPMC == committer.

Thanks for raising the notion of looking at why committers are *not* moved to 
the PMC of a TLP after some period of time, though.  My question, as a PMC 
member, would be whether or not we are holding the reins too tight at the 
expense of both community and sustainability.  An useful danger sign, that.

 - Dennis

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Reddin []
> Sent: Friday, November 6, 2015 06:22
> To:
> Subject: Re: Concerning Sentry: A disagreement over the Apache Way and
> graduation
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Rich Bowen <> wrote:
> > On 11/05/2015 12:02 AM, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> >> Committership is the right to do work on the project. PMC membership
> is the
> >> right to participate in governance.  People left in the nebulous
> state
> >> between
> >> committership and PMC membership for long periods of time more than
> likely
> >> will give up in frustration for not being trusted enough to govern
> their
> >> own work.
> >
> >
> > Most of the older projects at the Foundation do not have PMC ==
> > Committer. Notably, httpd. The notion that committers are
> automatically
> > PMC is a fairly new innovation. As it happens, it's an innovation that
> I
> > wholeheartedly support and recommend, but it's a minority of projects
> > that have this policy. If you follow board reports, you'll notice that
> > PMC additions and Committer additions are seldom coincident.
> In further support of Joe's point, for most of the projects I've been
> involved with, the PMC promotion was almost automatic and occurred
> within about 6 months of committership. The committer-only period was
> just a probationary period to make sure a person was not going to
> abuse his/her privileges. An invite to committership comes with an
> unspoken assumption that we want you to help govern the project, but
> let's start with giving you access. I don't know that I ever saw
> anyone stay as committer-only for an extended period of time.
> Greg
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