On 11/10/15, 12:31 PM, "Steve Loughran" <ste...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

>* In any project where a significant number of the team members are
>expected to ship something in approximate correlation with a release
>schedule imposed by product management, project development decisions are
>going to follow. Similarly, priorities for weekday work by those
>engineers is going to be made by other people. This not only constrains
>what goes in, but providers a motivator for keeping things out if they're
>felt to be too risky.

I found this interesting.  Do lots of Apache projects have a schedule and
project manager?  I thought that wasn’t really the “Apache Way”.  I
thought committers could commit what they wanted with minimal coordination
amongst themselves without some other person being the gate keeper.  Seems
like that would scare away new committers who just want to scratch their
own itch.


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