John, your email confuses me for many reasons.

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 6:57 AM, John D. Ament <> wrote:
> This solution describes one of the many reasons I feel the incubator itself
> is broken.  We're trying to rewrite policy, as a means to work around some
> awkward setup sitting around, instead of just treating podlings as regular
> projects, with some restrictions in place.

What I am proposing is to indeed tread podlings more like regular
projects, with some restrictions in place.  In fact, what I am asking
is that we revisit an existing policy that treats podlings as
different than regular projects.

> Create something in ldap that is org.apache.incubator.$podling.  When
> secretary processes new accounts, they're being added into this area,
> instead of the incubator area.

I did exactly that.  Go to the link I provided
(, and click on any podling
name.  What you will see is a list of people that are in LDAP.  I took
the data sources I have access to to initially populate this list.  In
each case, I included the list of mentors.  When I could find it, I
included the list of committers.

> IPMC members have access to execute something that adds committers to
> podlings.  It could be a special ou for mentors, which VP incubator has
> access to.

The way things are currently set up, any member of a podling can add
or remove members from a podling.  We can explore adding the entire
IPMC; or limiting adding and removal to only mentors, or any other
arrangement.  One thing I did not mention is that adding or removing
members will send out notifications to private@incubator, to the
private list for the podling, and to root@ (to alert the
infrastructure team()

While anything is possible, my recommendation is to treat podlings
more like pmcs; trust that since you have mentors on the list,
notifications in place, and both the secretarial team and the
infrastructure team to fall back on, IPMC members don't need the
direct access to update lists.  But that is just a recommendation.

For those that want more background on the current implementation and
implications, see this thread:

> This has to net less maintenance from infra to make podlings more like TLPs.

Agreed.  :-)

> The one thing Sam misses in this email, there is a way to fix your
> notification scheme easily in github -
> - uncheck "Automatically Watch
> Repositories"

I think I covered that in the paragraph that begins with "I believe
that asking all IPMC members to uncheck "Automatically watch"...

> John

- Sam Ruby

> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 1:07 AM Sam Ruby <> wrote:
>> Background, from
>> > With this feedback and review, I believe we're still operating as
>> expected.
>> >
>> > * Per current policy, IPMC members have commit privileges on all
>> Incubator repositories.
>> > * The above is effected through the use of a private GitHub Team
>> > * According to users' GitHub preferences, they will Watch new
>> repositories
>> > * GitHub is sending notifications of changes, per Watch selections
>> >
>> > The "answer" here is to Unwatch repositories, as appropriate, and/or
>> > to alter the GitHub user account preference for auto-Watching new
>> > repositories.
>> Here's my case:
>> I believe that asking all IPMC members that request access to *any* ASF
>> github repository to get notification emails on *all* incubator projects
>> that participate in the gitbox experiment is unreasonable.
>> I believe that asking all IPMC members to individually unwatch each and
>> every repository as they are created is unreasonable.
>> I believe that asking all IPMC members to uncheck "Automatically watch"
>> is unreasonable as it (a) will result in people being notified for new
>> repositories that they should be watching, and (b) presumes that people
>> are not participating/watching in other non-ASF GitHub repositories.
>> Accordingly, Since I do believe that it is reasonable for every ASF
>> member to get email on all ASF repositories that they have commit
>> privileges to, I am asking that the IPMC revisit the current policy that
>> all IPMC members have commit privileges on all Incubator repositories.
>> I believe that the alternative is technically feasible: have each
>> podling manage a list of committers for that podling:
>> - Sam Ruby
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