On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 9:30 PM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>
> wrote:
> > Hi -
> >
> > I think that a brand compliant initial podling page would not be hard to
> > create using the Apache CMS.

The CMS is deprecated. No podlings/TLPs can choose to set up sites on the
CMS any more. Existing CMS sites are grandfathered, and allowed to continue
operating. Our hope is they will migrate, but we have not started a program
(yet) to actively attempt to incent communities to migrate away from the

> The problem I have with that is that it encourages further use of CMS and
> also that CMS is hard for people to learn because the standard practice is
> so far from how web-sites are normally done. Better to give them a Jekyll
> prototype to edit from. Or use John's suggestion about a temporary redirect
> to avoid the 404's but not pretend to be a project web-site alternative.

A redirect to an external site does not provide any information about the
Apache podling.

Repeat: placeholder page. It should explain the situation. Provide links to
the incubator and the podling status page, to the original/external site,
disclaimer, etc. Just one page. Fast set up. Done.

For a community to decide/plan how to move their website and
edit/workflow/tooling over to the ASF is a long process. Jekyll? Pelican?
Jbake? ... Buildbot or Jenkins? Markdown, or raw HTML? It is unreasonable
to assume that will be done within the first week of acceptance into the
Incubator. But a single page during that first week? Sure.

Going to druid.incubator.a.o and getting redirected to druid.io can create
a huge misunderstanding. "What? I thought I went to the Apache project?!
Oh. Guess it isn't an Apache project after all."

One simple page. Explain and disclaim. Provide links.


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