Thanks for the detailed review, Justin. It is really appreciated. As I
commented in the PPMC vote:

"The README still contains a broken in the "Compiling" section, but I
wouldn't consider it a blocker for the release. The document is in the
source release and also properly linked from the main "English
Document" page (linked from the README too)."

Actually, the "Full docs" link appears in the README *before* the compiling
section, and in that link (which is not broken) there is a "Development"
section with the build instructions. That is so trivial to find (I found it
really quickly when verifying the broken link) that I don't think the
release should be blocked for this.

On Sun, Sep 9, 2018, 01:26 吴晟 Sheng Wu <> wrote:

> Hi, Justin
> First of all, yes, in this source release, the link is old. But because, I
> think only license and notice are blocks. I only update and fix these.
> For the guide, they are already fixed in codebase, just not in this
> release. Considering it is not block.
> Check our two major code branches,
> - master
> - 5.x
> The compile guide pointer in readme file is already the related path.
> When next routine release, it will be included, at the end of Sep.
> Is that OK?
> Sheng Wu
> Apache SkyWalking
> From Wu Sheng 's phone.
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From: Justin Mclean <>
> Date: Sun,Sep 9,2018 6:50 AM
> To: general <>
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache SkyWalking (incubating) version
> 5.0.0-RC2
> Hi,
> Sorry but I still cannot vote +1 own this as the still points to
> for build instructions which gives a 404, please include the instructions
> on how the build the source in the release in the or in a
> (or similarly named file) in the base directory.
> Try to think like a user of this software they download it and want to
> compile it, they read instructions, are asked to follow a link (annoying)
> and then the link gives a 404, at this point some of them are going to give
> up and you will never hear from them again. Sure some may be able to find
> in the docs and get it working but their first experience
> of the project is not ideal. Releases need to include simple easy to follow
> instructions on how to build. Those instruction may changed form release to
> release so pointing people to URLs is not helpful. What for instance if you
> want to compile an older version and the URL only has instructions for the
> most recent version?
> I checked:
> - incubating in name
> - signatures and hashes good
> - DISCLAIMER exists
> - LICENSE and NOTICE good
> - no unexpected binary files
> - all source files have ASF headers
> - unable to build from source
> Thanks for fixing the license issue, however you also need to fix it in
> the binary release.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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