> On Feb 7, 2019, at 5:53 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Infra manages the u/apache dockerhub org. We provide this service with the 
>> express caveat that projects note that these are UNOFFICIAL releases, and 
> By that I assume you mean only connivance binaries only created from an 
> official approved/voted on ASF releases. Does that also suggest that release 
> candidates, snapshot and nightlys (even if tagged and/or clearly described) 
> would not be allowed there

Infra has little control over what the project publishes. We expect their good 
will and knowledge of the Apache Release Policy will guide them. As these 
releases are UNOFFICIAL, they could have dockerhub packages built for any 
branch or tag on their repo. This is a social construct, not a technical one, 
but that of course means absolutely nothing to the end user consumer of these 

Infra does not police what projects deploy on their dockerhub repos. Do we need 

Most projects historically have played by the rules. This touches a bit on what 
it really means to be an Apache Project. My thought here is that the Incubator 
needs to be a bit more circumspect with regards to onboarding projects before 
they fully understand the Apache Way. We’ve seen this play out with a 
significant percentage of projects over the last few years. I don’t know what 
the solution here is, but the gap between “old school” projects that fall into 
the Apache Way fairly easily, and the “new school” github-based projects that 
fly fast and loose seems to be growing by the day.

> If so doesn’t that just encourage podlings to go make their own 
> https://hub.docker.com/r/apache<project>/<project> and put them there? And if 
> they do what do we do about it? If a TLP project or podling is found to be 
> using u/apache and placing unapproved releases there what should be done? 
> (Would you like to be informed for starters?)      

I don’t see how this “encourages” any action one way or the other. Many new 
podlings find the restrictions imposed by joining the ASF to be extremely 
detrimental to their community, and are often very surprised to find that 
things that “used to work” on github are now verboten due to our legal policies.

>> Until that juxtaposition is well and truly addressed, these discussions will 
>> continue to happen ad nauseam.
> Well that is problematic.

I agree. This is a topic that comes up frequently, but has yet to be really 
addressed as far as I know.

> Thanks,
> Justin

ASF Infra

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