
> I assume that "https://hub.docker.com/u/apache 
> <https://hub.docker.com/u/apache>" is an Apache controlled
> location, so publishing Apache images from there is fine provided they obey
> our policies (release policy, website policy etc).

I believe INFA has something to do with setting that up, but I think we should 
extend what be consider “official" to anything with apache in it’s user name, 
like apachepulsar.

> I get more confused in other areas (PyPI, npm) where we don't have a clear
> namespace for acts of the foundation. Is
> https://pypi.org/project/apache-beam/ <https://pypi.org/project/apache-beam/> 
> an act of the PMC or an act of some
> random folk who may or may not overlap with the PMC.

Given the confusion, perhaps only allow project names with apache in them to be 
controlled by PMCs and/or assume they are? Much like the domain name policy we 
have. If so they would need to follow ASF release policy. If it’s named apache 
there a good chance users think it official and it probably is run by the PMC 
so policy applies?


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