It depends on the definition of optional dependency. Weex targets iOS, Android 
and Browser environment and Webkit header files and shared library are only 
bundled for Android environment. As for other environments, the OS or browser 
itself has exposed enough API for Weex. 

PS: I am pretty sure that the iOS system itself uses almost the same code of 
Webkit as Weex does to build its WKWebView. It’s really strange that’s ok for 
Weex iOS and not ok for Weex Android.

> 在 2019年6月14日,19:17,Justin Mclean <> 写道:
> Hi,
>> Well, what if Weex copies some BSD header files in Webkit then run on 
>> Webkit? IMHO, the Webkit is also an environment for Weex in this case.
> You still didi not answer if this is an optional dependancy? But again either 
> way I suggest you ask on legal discuss.
> Thanks,
> Justin
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