Some  things I don't think have been mentioned in this thread so far:

1) Even if you make Webkit optional by offering V8, I believe the ASF criteria 
for "optional" includes "less than half of your users will use that option" and 
so if Webkit offers better performance and most of the users select Webkit over 
V8, it won't really qualify Webkit as optional.
2) AIUI, the ASF does not care about the licensing of RUNTIMES (my emphasis) 
your project's code runs on.  Otherwise, no ASF project could run on Windows or 
OSX.  Apache Flex runs on Adobe Flash/AIR runtimes.
3) I could not quickly find a direct quote for this, but I believe the ASF does 
not care about the licensing of BUILD TOOLS (emphasis mine) used to manipulate 
the source in the source release as long as the license of those tools does not 
constrain usage of that code (like some non-commercial restriction, or even a 
"no evil" restriction.

AIUI, the whole purpose of these restrictions is to not place restrictions on 
modifications to source or use of source when that source is eventually 
executed (whether interpreted or compiled or other).

So, if I've made that clear so far, the question I have for Weex is:  How is 
Webkit used in Weex?  Is it just a runtime and libraries for that runtime?  If 
so, then I believe it is ok to have a dependency on LGPL Webkit, but I would 
recommend that you find a way to not bundle Webkit in the release artifacts.  
Have it downloaded or make it a "prerequisite" just like I think every ASF 
Java-based project says you must install a Java JDK and don't bundle Java JDKs.

Other questions to ask relative to whether Webkit is a runtime or build tool:

A) Will anybody realistically want to modify the Webkit sources in order to use 
Weex?  If no, that's great, and another reason to not bundle those header files 
with your sources.
B) Will use of the WebKit header files and other binaries you depend on create 
a restriction on use?  If no, that's great as well, and I think if the answer 
to A and B are both "no", the IPMC should consider Webkit to be a 
runtime/build-tool dependency and let it go.


On 6/14/19, 5:09 AM, "York Shen" <> wrote:

    It depends on the definition of optional dependency. Weex targets iOS, 
Android and Browser environment and Webkit header files and shared library are 
only bundled for Android environment. As for other environments, the OS or 
browser itself has exposed enough API for Weex. 
    PS: I am pretty sure that the iOS system itself uses almost the same code 
of Webkit as Weex does to build its WKWebView. It’s really strange that’s ok 
for Weex iOS and not ok for Weex Android.
    > 在 2019年6月14日,19:17,Justin Mclean <> 写道:
    > Hi,
    >> Well, what if Weex copies some BSD header files in Webkit then run on 
Webkit? IMHO, the Webkit is also an environment for Weex in this case.
    > You still didi not answer if this is an optional dependancy? But again 
either way I suggest you ask on legal discuss.
    > Thanks,
    > Justin
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