Hi Justin,
I'll comment here as well

On 2020/10/08 04:34:34, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote: 
> Hi,
> I didi my usual check and most things look good, but I can see a couple of 
> minor things. Hopefully the mentors can comment on the following:
> - Logo is missing form logos.apache.org

There is no such subdomain... can you double check the URL? Thank you

> - A few of the proposed PMC are not subscribed to the private list (Alex, 
> Laura, Steve)

I will encourage them to join. Thanks for pointing that out.

> - It’s been a long time since the project added any committers (Looks like 
> the last was Arthi on 2017-01-24?)

Correct. I understand that this may indicate that the project is not attracting 
contributors but I have never seen this as a blocker for graduation. There are 
plenty of TLP's that have a small committer base and who have not added 
committters in a while. Apache Any23 is one example that I know. 

> - There doesn’t seem to be a lot of traffic on the mailing lists (dev and 
> especially user)

Correct. Again, this is a small project with a small user base. I don't think 
that this blocks graduation though.

> - There seems to be several products (UserALE, Distill, Tap and Stout) but I 
> only see release votes for UserALE. How are the other products released?

They are not released and will not be. They are deprecated as indicated on the 

> - There also seem to be a python version of UserALE but I don’t see any 
> release votes for it either.

Correct. It was never released. 

> - The last four board reports have listed the same goals to reach graduation. 
> Has any progress been made on these?

Based on the October2020 report 
(https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/October2020#flagon) we 
following are defined

    Work with IPMC to approve draft graduation resolution (blocking)
    Update release practices to be consistent with NPM, Python registry 
    Push new UserALE.js release (non-blocking)

This looks good to me and reflects reality. Do you have any further comments? 

Thanks Justin

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