Hi Daniel

There are several things you should consider
1. The incubator expects your community(the group of people maintaining the
project) has several active developers.
2. The community could have the consensus of willing to join the incubator
and follow the Apache Way.

> However, none of the documents states exactly how I am supposed to
recruit a champion and mentors or where I should find them.

Your feeling about the difficulties and challenges of finding mentors are
real. Usually, there are two ways
1. All IPMC(The PMC of the Incubator) members could be the mentor
2. All Apache members and officers could be the champion.
All the responsibilities of the mentor team are helping to understand and
follow the Apache way to build and expand your community, including have
more developers and users.

The ASF has members all over the world, you may try to ask around. Also, if
there is no progress there, you could consider preparing the proposal and
ask for mentors here.
If the project is interesting for some of the IPMC, they will show up and
ask to be a mentor.

Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

Daniel Widdis <wid...@gmail.com> 于2020年11月24日周二 下午12:15写道:

> I manage a mature open source project (as the “benevolent dictator”) and
> am considering transitioning my project to community management in the
> Apache Way.  I have spent a few weeks reading about the Apache Incubator
> process including most documentation I can find on the site, conference
> presentations, and other materials.  I am still interested, but would like
> to speak more with other community members prior to creating a proposal.
> The guide for formulating a proposal [1] has a "Preparation" section and I
> am working through those steps.  It says, in part:
> > Before starting on the formal proposal, recruit a Champion. The Champion
> understands Apache and should be able to help navigate the process and put
> your proposal together.
> In addition, the Cookbook [2] states:
> > To enter the Incubator, your project needs a champion and at least two
> or three mentors.
> >
> > These people need to be part of the Incubator PMC, which ASF Members can
> join just by asking.
> >
> > The Champion helps the incoming podling in the process of creating their
> proposal and acts as a liaison between the podling and the Incubator PMC
> for the initial steps, at least until the podling’s proposal is accepted.
> However, none of the documents states exactly how I am supposed to recruit
> a champion and mentors or where I should find them.  The first official
> step in the incubation process seems to be a proposal to this mailing list,
> but it does not suggest where to conduct pre-proposal communications.  I
> hope I am addressing this email to the correct audience.  If not, please
> redirect me to a more appropriate list.
> I am interested in:
> 1. Evaluating whether my project is a good fit for Apache and, if so,
> finding a Champion and Mentors.
> 2. Discussing the experience of members of other projects which began
> their life with a "benevolent dictator" and transitioned to a community
> project.
> Thank you for any information you can provide to help me start this
> journey.
> [1] - https://incubator.apache.org/guides/proposal.html
> [2] -
> https://incubator.apache.org/cookbook/#finding_a_champion_and_mentors
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