Code size is not the only measure of significance. 

Without any specialty knowledge of the domain, I would consider this security 
fix probably significant. fixing

However, the AL2.0 license states:
> Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally 
> submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the 
> terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or 
> conditions.

Given the project was AL2.0 licensed at the time of the contribution, 
submitting a PR to the repository should constitute a "Contribution 
intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work" and should require no 
additional terms.  

Also see
> Any contribution - in any form (patch to the mailing list, blog post, JIRA 
> attchment, git pull request, Bugzilla attachment, scrawled on the back of a 
> napkin) - may be included as long as two conditions are met:
> 1. As per section 5 of AL2 the person providing the patch does not explicitly 
> state that the patch provided is not licensed under ALv2
> 2. The project's PMC is happy that the person providing the contribution has 
> the necessary rights to do so.

On 9/5/21, 6:46 PM, "Olivier Lamy" <> wrote:
    looking at this
    except the 2 main contributors we can't really qualify other contributions
    as really significant in terms of code size :)

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