On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 4:55 AM PJ Fanning <fannin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In some cases, the critical fix might be submitted to the fork first
> and it may be easier for the Lightbend team to cherry pick those cases
> than it is for the fork team to do the opposite.

Should an ALv2 fork arise *anywhere*[1], then I believe
Lightbend's community will vaporize. That community will follow the OSS
fork, and Lightbend will be relegated to picking up those ALv2-licensed
patches into their proprietary version. There will simply be no reason for
a community to hang around and contribute their work to the newly-licensed
and proprietary version of Akka.


[1] whether at the ASF, or at an external hosting site. Note that,
historically, the ASF has been mostly against forks where the owner(s)
disagree with creating that fork (aka "a hostile fork").

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