
A search for “General Public License” shows up in these files:

There are also a number of file copyright the Free Software Foundation. (also 
in libbacktrace)

I’ve not looked at each one and the first couple do seem to be false positives. 
However this file [1], which might incorrectly has a ASF header on it, seems to 
be a 1:1 implementation of this [2]??? Even if it not file that does look like 
3rd party code to me. Do you know where it originally come from? See also [4]. 
It seems the original is GPL licensed(?) and porting it to another language 
wouldn’t change that.

This file [2] looks to be licensed (or at least some of it) under the Mozilla 
license and that is Category B and can’t be included in a source release. The 
very first part of that file is license "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception” I’m 
not sure that would be allowed ether. There are other files wth this license in 
the source release.

The LICENSE list three 3rd party piece of software:

But there is other 3rd party files in the source release, for instance 
libunwind. Note also the number of different copyright statements fm Google, 
HP, Sun, Intel, Android, Ant Financial, XiaoMi and many many others.

Kind Regards,

1. crypto/src/lib.rs
2. https://github.com/skalenetwork/sgxwallet/blob/develop/LevelDB.cpp
3. ./third_party/wamr.patch
4. https://teaclave.apache.org/teaclave/common/rusty_leveldb_sgx/

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