Hi Justin,

Thank you for reaching out. I understand that you have some concerns regarding 
collaboration and the recent changes in the project. 
Allow me to address each point individually:

1. Collaboration in different branches: To ensure effective collaboration among 
team members working in their own branches, 
we have implemented a few measures. Firstly, we encourage regular communication 
through various channels such as team meetings, emails,
and instant messaging platforms. This helps team members stay informed about 
ongoing tasks and projects.
Additionally, we maintain a centralized project management system where team 
members can update their progress and assign tasks to avoid duplication of 
This way, we can track who is working on what and ensure that two people do not 
attempt to fix the same thing.

2. Issues marked "waiting for review": We understand your observation regarding 
the number of issues marked "waiting for review." 
This can occur due to the need for thorough evaluation and feedback from 
multiple stakeholders before proceeding with further actions. 
We have dedicated reviewers assigned to assess and provide feedback on these 
which helps maintain quality control and ensure that all aspects are thoroughly 
examined before proceeding.

3. Removal of a PPMC member: The recent removal of a PPMC member may indeed 
seem unusual. 
However, in this specific case, the decision was made in alignment with the 
individual's request to step down from their role. 
While typically, the board would be responsible for removing PMC members, there 
are instances where individuals voluntarily choose to step aside, and we 
respect their decision.

4. Identification of PMC members: We are actively working on identifying and 
confirming the PMC members for the project. 
The proposed list may include individuals who have contributed to the project 
in the past or have expressed interest in taking on the responsibility. 
We understand the importance of active involvement, we hope that the final list 
comprises dedicated and active members who actively contribute to the project's 

We appreciate your feedback and concerns, as it helps us improve our processes 
and address any potential issues. 
If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to share 
them with us. 
We value your input and are committed to maintaining a transparent and 
collaborative project environment.

Best regards,
Ruslan Kulynych

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