Just thought I'd throw a couple of points into the mix. Personally I'm a big
fan of JUnit, you do have to use it propely though.

It's designed to be used by programmers, the idea being you actually write a
test which exersises a method before you actually write the method itself.
The idea is that this focuses the programmer on what the method is supposed
to be doing and you know when the method is finished when the test you've
already writen passes. As such it's a pretty low level way of testing, so
it's very good for testing compontents but doesn't really help when it comes
to testing whole systems.

JUnit tests are designed to be run in no specific order, in some ways this
is good, in some ways bad. One things I have descussed with colleagues in
the past is developing a layer on top of JUnit which allows scripting of a
series of JUnit tests to exercise a usecase. Never actually did anything
about it though ;o) to much like hard work.

One thing that might be work looking at is http://httpunit.sourceforge.net/
which is an extension to JUnit for handling http tests.

Other thing I should probably mention it that Alexandria has for sometime
now supported using JUnit for automated testing. This is a feature we use
where I work so that we can check on a daily basis that all code is building
successfully and also passes all the unit test which have been written.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: Test Infrastructure Project Proposal

> Jon Stevens wrote:
> >
> > I will try one more time before I ask Sam to go
> > down to your office an explain it to you.
> I've been to his office.  Suffice it to say that he has about as thick of
> head as, well, some of the people around here.  ;-)
> > Lets use Sam as an example here:
> [snip]
> Good example, as far as it goes.  The rest of the story is that the bulk
> my work was layered on top of Ant.  I'm in the process of joining forces
> with another incubator project (Alexandria) to complete this work.
> - Sam Ruby
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