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Jon Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> on 2/11/01 1:15 PM, "Doug Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The point being that:
> It doesn't matter that JUnit doesn't do what you want. The fact of the
> matter is that instead of creating yet another project to do Unit testing,
> you should work with the JUnit people to help mold JUnit into what you want.
> The reason being:
> It creates a better product and a better community when we all work
> together.
> Now, if the JUnit people didn't want to have that functionality built in or
> if their license wasn't compatible (fyi, it is the IBM Public License), I
> could understand doing a fork, but that obviously doesn't seem to be the
> case.
> Conclusion:
> You have no excuse for not working with them to help improve their product
> other than your lack of wanting to work together with people.

... sorry for the dated reply.. had the flu last week :(.

Jon.  You are taking an extreme position here.  In evolutionary systems
mutations are necessary for progress.  Getting the right mix of
mutations/deviations and passing on successes is somewhat of a Zen.

That said there are cases where working on the same source base is a Good
Thing.  The same can be said for forking.  If someone doesn't like a project or
whe way things are laid out, it can be beneficial to start in a new project

I don't know why Peter Donald didn't mention it but he and I have been working
on the Arrowhead unit testing framework.  http://arrowhead.sourceforge.net.

I did an extensive review of the JUnit code base.  I agree that without a
significantly advanced code base it isn't worth competing.  That is when I found
Peter's code base under Avalon.  This is a 2nd generation (where JUnit is 1)
unit testing framework.  It is very clean code and well thought out.  JUnit did
an excellent job for the time but was showing its age.  It needed to be
rewritten IMO.  This is where Arrowhead comes in

The code should speak for itself.  I haven't had time to work on it lately as I
am trying to get another 2 projects released.  The goals are to move it back
under Apache as long as we can keep the dual LGPL/APL License.


- -- 
        Cell: 408-910-6145 URL: http://relativity.yi.org ICQ: 73488596 

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