Jon Stevens wrote:

Besides what was required for the proposal, we also drafted some initial
guidelines and a FAQ. These can be found at < >.

> Comments:
> You haven't covered what happens with regards to management of these
> projects. Is it the initial committers responsibility to maintain each of
> these products? What is the long term outlook on these code bases? For
> example, in the Java Apache project, we had a java-whiteboard CVS tree (look
> at the /site/cvsindex.html page for the CVS tree). This was quite a bit of
> code that was abandoned over time. I would suggest maintaining the current
> feeling that all projects should have a minimum of 3 responsible people who
> oversee each of the projects.

>From the guidelines

15. Each committer has karma to all the packages, but committers are
required to add their name to a package's status file before their first
commit to that package. 

16. The committers shall elect a committee of three committers to
provide general oversight, in the style of the Jakarta PMC. 

> You also have not covered the possibility of competing implementations. For
> example, what if someone doesn't like the existing database connection pool
> and wants to contribute another product that duplicates the functionality?

18. It is expected that the scope of packages may sometimes overlap. 

> You also have not covered the possibility of an existing Jakarta project
> which has a competing implementation of something that exists in the
> commons. Is there some sort of policy that is being proposed at the higher
> Jakarta level that requires sub projects to become part of this project? [I
> actually think that this might be a good thing in order to help foster the
> community].

There would often be overlapping implementations, especially at first,
because initial codebases will be adopted from the various products.
Hopefully, the committers on those subprojects would help with the
initiative, and the Commons package would be adopted in the normal
course. The initial set of committers already work with several other
Jakarta subprojects, and we would hope to see that trend continue.

I'm not aware of anything else being proposed regarding this at any
other level.


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