
Although Jon might not be the most politically-correct person around,
he is usually right. Jon is correct to observe that Jakarta is not a
dumping ground for .bomb projects. 

I am very grateful to Jon for having the courage to speak up his
mind. One might be crititical of Jon but he remains a cornerstone of
Jakarta. Keep that mind before calling him ungracious parts of the

On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Jon Stevens wrote:

| on 10/15/01 11:15 AM, "Paul Ilechko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Peter and Jon, thanks for the feedback, sorry I didn't get a chance to respond
| > sooner.
| >
| > A few comments:
| >
| > ASPizer is currently a production quality product, and in fact is being used
| > on a live website in the UK. It was developed as a pr oduct by THBS, with the
| > intention that we would sell it. However, due to various economic factors such
| > as the decline in the ASP market and the recent difficulties in obtaining
| > venture capital, we have decided that at this time it is not feasible for is
| > to continue in that direction.
| We aren't a dumping ground for .bomb projects.

Why are you such an _asshole_ on mailing lists, Jon??

I just cannot believe your emails. They are such shit shometimes, it is
just amazing!

Go Jon, Go Jon, Go Jon, Go JOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!




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