on 10/17/01 6:08 AM, "Paul Ilechko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Whatever Jon is or isn't is not my place to say, but I think I was pretty
> clear that we are NOT looking to dump a project on Apache, that we ARE
> continuing to work on ASPizer and support it, and have described the
> commitment we expect to make.

I question that commitment. No, I'm not going to just take your word for it.

How can you commit to backing a project over the long term if your company
can't get funding? When your company goes out of business, what interest
will you have in developing this project over the long term?

You need to realize that the 5 years that I have been around here, I have
seen about 30-40 people just like you who come with some great project that
they want to see survive beyond their company who want to give us the great
pleasure of hosting for them so that they can maybe get some interest in it
because no one was willing to buy it.

We already have enough baggage around the Jakarta project. I think that
adding any new projects is going to have to be carefully considered. The
primary consideration is whether or not the project coming in has a
developer and user community around it. The reason is because it will be
these people who have to support the project long after the lead developers
or the company that created it disappeared.

The problem is that few people around here have been around for as long as I
have so they have a very small understanding of the amount of crap that we
have accumulated and gone through over the years. As a result, we have
really closed our doors to new projects that have no community before they
come here. Simply because we don't want to become a sourceforget.net (which
is where I would have recommended you to go in the first place instead of
pointing you at this list).

If you had bothered to read the archives before coming here, you would have
seen myself and others say similar things like the above over and over and
over again. Yes, this is prompting me to do yet even more work and create a
FAQ page for this stuff on the website. I'm tired of repeating myself.

> Now, if anyone wants to look more closely at the
> product and make some informed comments, we'll be happy to share information.
> I will not be responding to inane trolls.

How come you haven't put the source code out there under an OSS license yet
so that we can look at it before we decide to begin to even consider it?



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