on 10/17/01 9:24 AM, "Pier Fumagalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nothing, but from a community standpoint, the ASF would rather incorporate
> projects that are not backed up by a self-sustained open-development
> community... Look at our last addition, Log4J, it was an IBM project, they
> dumped it, Ceki forked it, build an open-source community around it, and
> then we "inglobated" it under Jakarta (and it was a good addition)...
> I actually don't care about the code... The code could be the crappies one
> ever, but if the community behind it is good, it gets my preference over a
> magnificent piece of code with a non-existent or screwed community...


This is similar to what I originally stated in my first response on the
subject as well as a bazillion times over the years:

> There is nothing in your proposal discussion WHY you would want to give this
> to the ASF other than because you think you have a cool product. Nor is
> there anything that suggests what the developer community is like (ie:
> people who would be working on the product) nor the user community and the
> people who would be responsible for supporting the user community.

Maybe someday, someone will bother to read the archives before posting here
so that either I or Pier or someone else don't have to constantly explain
why a response of:

    "We aren't a dumping ground for .bomb projects."

...isn't an asshole response, but just a simple summary of what we have been
saying here for the last 5 years.


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