"Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:
> > It's my understanding that Apache Projects' unity of purpose is
> >
> > "to encourage a collaborative, consensus-based development process"
> What does that exactly mean?

Perhaps Stefano's original preamble said it best


"Unlike other open source projects where an individual rules the project
as a benevolent dictator, the Java Apache Project form is government is
based on merit: everyone who deserves it get the right to vote and
everyone who is able to vote participates in the ruling of the project.
This kind of  government helps in maintaining the project going even
when core individuals leave the project or don't have enough time. The
project itself is like the ancient Greek Agora idea, where everybody
helps and who deserves it decide. This meritocracy allows the project to
be very flexible toward people presence and allows fast and safe changes
in the core group since who decides is always who is more involved and
cares the most. "

I believe that everything else here, the projects, the subprojects, are
just a means to serve the end of development by meritocracy. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web http://www.husted.com/struts/

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