On 1/6/02 10:17 AM, "Peter Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 00:22, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
>> On 1/6/02 8:06 AM, "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> "Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:
>>>> I thought I would share, as my thinking about removing community
>>>> containers here in Jakarta, XML et al resonates well this.
>>> Personally, I just think its mainly a matter of packaging. By
>>> definination, we are all trying to share the same ASF culture, though
>>> each codebase will have its own flavor.
>> If you really believe this, then the right thing is to get rid of *all*
>> containers :
>>  Jakarta +  HTTPD + XML + TCL + PHP + APR + Perl
> I have no idea about them but in the case of Jakarta-XML there is
> considerable cross-talk. All XML projects use some jakarta technologies and
> most (all?) jakarta projects use XML technologies.
> I doubt that could be said about TCL and Perl or PHP and APR etc.
>>> Lumping everything together under one heading tends to confuse human
>>> beings. I think the projects, like XML and Jakarta, make for useful
>>> headings, mainly because that how people conceptualize entities like
>>> this.
>> And there is no difference in culture?
> No different than what we already have here. I have to think in very
> different ways when I contribute to ant as opposed to Avalon because they
> have a very different philosophy.
>> I don't know the answer, but watching the discussion about XML lately, I
>> would think that there *are* differences, so there must be *something* to
>> it.
> What was the specific point that made you think XML is somehow different from
> jakarta?
>>> (1) That we petition the ASF to change our charter and remove the word
>>> "server", so what we are simply charged with providing production
>>> quality solutions on the Java platform.
> +1
>> I would like to see some opinions on the idea of working to form another
>> apache subproject focused on the client side and if anyone thinks that
>> makes sense.
> Maybe we could just start having sub-catgories within Jakarta. So basically
> Jakarta is still the top level project but we have a software map underneath
> it that categorizes project (ie tools, xml parserns, servers, whatever).

How then would this work?  What about the non-Java stuff in XML land?  Where
does that go?

Will you say that it should here in violation of the newly modified charter?
Or do you then go back to the charter and remove 'Java' from it too?

So then we change the charter to be "providing production quality solutions"
which is pretty vague and somewhat Dilbert-esque.

Maybe we can get 'software' or there somewhere, or specifically exclude
movies and audio.

Again, you might think the above is flip, but you are talking about
modifying the charter here...

Geir Magnusson Jr.                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
Be a giant.  Take giant steps.  Do giant things...

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