On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 04:01, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > Maybe we could just start having sub-catgories within Jakarta. So
> > basically Jakarta is still the top level project but we have a software
> > map underneath it that categorizes project (ie tools, xml parserns,
> > servers, whatever).
> How then would this work?  What about the non-Java stuff in XML land? 
> Where does that go?

You mean there is non-java stuff in xml land? .... much like there is 
non-java stuff in jakarta-land? Why does it have to go anywhere?

> Again, you might think the above is flip, but you are talking about
> modifying the charter here...

The charter was modified ages ago. Sure the words haven't changed but it has 
been a long time since jakarta project was actually true to the words in its 
charter ... see Ant the "server-side" project

So instead of accepting that we violate scope with more than half the jakarta 
projects people took to inventing reasons to keep them at jakarta. ie Ant 
became acceptable because it was a tool that could be used to build 
serverside projects. How silly is that reason?

I have always been of the opinion that scope is a STUPID way to manage this 
sort of thing because it will inevitably lead to stifling of community or 
arbitrary violation. Rather than delluding ourselves wouldn't better to 
disregard scope and instead have a "focus". 

We "focus" on java products. Traditionally they are serverside and would 
likely to remain so (because you need a PMC sponsor/champion for new projects 
and most PMC members are serverside peeps). However I would have no problem 
if someone wanted to have other similarly focused projects - even if they 
were clienside or written in c or whatever.

For instance if IBM wanted to donate jikes to Apache and there was enough 
community to support it - would you knock it back because it was C? or would 
you reclassify it as a compiler used to build serverside java apps?

What happens if the Jext or JEdit editors (or the merge if it ever occurs) 
wanted to join in Jakarta and had a like-minded community - would you knock 
it back because it was clientside? or would you reclassify it as something 
used to write serverside apps?



The phrase "computer literate user" really means the person 
has been hurt so many times that the scar tissue is thick 
enough so he no longer feels the pain. 
   -- Alan Cooper, The Inmates are Running the Asylum 

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