
So are you proposing to become a log4j committer?
Regards, Ceki

--- Peter Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2002 09:15, Jon Scott Stevens wrote:
> > Of course it is easier to start from scratch to
> invent yet another
> > validation framework. This is where I see another
> failure of Jakarta.
> > People only go with the easiest route without any
> concern about the long
> > term mess they are making.
> Thats because thats what the PMC encourages (you
> included). If you recall at 
> one stage LogKit was proposed as a jakarta project -
> before Log4j was present 
> but the PMC decided to bring Log4j to jakarta
> instead. When commons was 
> started it was because Avalon did not have the right
> "advertising". Both of 
> these things were a vote by the PMC to reinvent
> rather than reuse.
> The best way to describe it was something I think
> Craig said, something like 
> - it doesn't much matter if there is an existing
> project with same aims, what 
> matters is what committers are willing to commit to.
> It is much more sexier to rewrite something from
> scratch than it is to work 
> with other peoples code. Why is struts a project?
> Wouldn't it have been more 
> productive to the Apache community overall to live
> side-by-side with turbine 
> (same mailing lists and project etc). Essentially
> struts would have been a 
> complete revolution - having them together would
> have ensured a much higher 
> level of cross pollination. Why is Log4j at jakarta?
> Wouldn't be better if it 
> and LogKit were merged? What about the regex
> engines?
> > I feel like Jakarta is just going down this path
> of having a bazillion
> > different implementations and versions of the same
> thing and it is only
> > getting worse.
> It is going to get far far far worse - everyone
> encourages it from the PMC 
> down. Reinvent rather than reuse or so the chant
> goes.
> > Commons was supposed to help clean that up by
> providing a
> > central location, however all I see is it making
> it worse because people
> > are just re-inventing what already exists in other
> projects instead of
> > using existing projects as the basis.
> Correct. Commons is also fun because people not
> involved with the code have 
> voting rights over it. However I do recall you +1'ed
> it even when I said it 
> would end up like this ;)
> > I'm starting to realize that Jakarta has grown to
> becoming a place where
> > people only scratch their own itches and I agree
> that that is the basis for
> > open source. However, we have no overall
> direction. We all have our own
> > opinions and spend days and days discussing them
> and when it comes down to
> > putting code into CVS, people do whatever they
> want anyway because there is
> > no set of checks and balances to put some sort of
> higher level control over
> > things.
> Thats because people don't want it. More than half
> the people at jakarta are 
> egomaniacs. Not that this is a bad thing - it can be
> very productive but very 
> few people want to work together because they can
> get more glory doing it 
> themselves.
> > People keep saying that Jakarta isn't broken.
> Well, if it isn't broken,
> > then how come we have so many people doing their
> own thing and not working
> > together? Jakarta is supposed to be a group
> collective, however it is
> > becoming nothing more than another Sourceforge.
> If thats what you consider broken then it is broken
> and it is going to get 
> much more broken. The only way to change this is to
> to vote it. Next time 
> someone raises a vote to duplicate an existing
> project don't +1 it. And don't 
> just complain when someone duplicates a part of
> turbine.
> I would to love to see more working together but I
> can't see it happening. 
> People are not willing to work together - even for
> basic things. When I asked 
> you to change turbines build system to not conflict
> with patterns in other 
> projects your response was something along the
> lines. We used ant first, this 
> is how you should do it, you are wrong - and thats
> basically when I stopped 
> trying to get people to have standard build file
> format.
> You say you want to "fix" jakarta then prove it -
> lets start working together 
> to get even the basic infrastructure common where
> they interface with other 
> projects. So the ball is in your court now ;)
> BTW turbine is/has uploaded components to commons
> that are duplicates of 
> Avalon functionality. ie the exact same thing that
> happened with validators 
> except that turbine is the "purp" rather than the
> "victim" - so should I wail 
> at you now ? ;)
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Pete
> "Science is like sex: sometimes something useful
> comes out, 
> but that is not the reason we are doing it" --
> Richard Feynman
> --
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Ceki -

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