On Mon, 14 Jan 2002 00:18, Sam Ruby wrote:
> Peter Donald wrote:
> > Unless you plan on adding similar comments for a few other projects I
> would
> > suggest you remove the commons advertising
> Why?  Should the reference to Turbine be removed from
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/source.html ?
> Do you have a proposed patch?  Something you would like to add?

Ummmmm ... here is the section I am talking about 

"Jakarta can host a product within a top-level subproject, or as a component 
in the Jakarta Commons. This document covers what is expected of a proposal 
for a top-level Jakarta subproject. The Jakarta Commons has a similar but 
different procedure for accepting new products. See the Jakarta Commons site 
for details."

Is this something you think is needed and should be in the jakarta guidelines?

> Guys, I can understand why some of you may not want to participate in other
> activities, but this is no excuse for attempting to block the progress of
> others.

hmm - exactly how am I blocking the progress of commons? 

I have wanted to do something very similar to commons for ages - hell way 
before JDD even proposed AUT which was way before commons was proposed. And 
if you recall I was somewhat active in early library-dev discussions, no? Do 
you disagree with anything here?

Have I ever blocked anybody moving anything to commons?

Yes I would love to particpate in commons but I probably wont because I 
consider the management process of it broken. 

Consider this - how many committers are there in commons atm - 10, 20, 30 ? 
Now to get a new project moved you need a 3/4 vote - lets be generous and say 
about 12 votes!!!!! That seems real likely.

Then you have the joy that every commons committer has voting rights on 
everything - even code they have never contributed and never will - sounds 
like a great "meritocracy" - right? Mmmmm, just the sort of thing we are 
meant to be promoting.

So yes theres buckets of stuff in ant, in excalibur and at home that I would 
love to move to commons but that aint going to happen till its fixed or if 

Considering you seem to be accusing me of blocking progress in commons I want 
you to explain it in real simple terms how I am doing it? I seem to be a bit 
think and can't quite figure it out.



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