On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 23:41, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 03:14, Peter Donald wrote:
> > On Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:38, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > > > Are you upset at the way Java is being handled by SUN?
> > > >
> > > > Do you feel lied to about the fact that SUN is still keeping Java
> > > > proprietary even after they promised us for *years* that it would be
> > > > standardized?
> > > >
> > > > Are you looking towards .NET/C# as an alternative but still
> > > > optimistic about Java?
> > >
> > > Heck no.  .NET/c# why would I want to use an even more proprietary
> > > thing to get back at SUN?  Heck no.
> >
> > You sure it is more proprietary? I believe our PMC head actually sits as
> > head on one of the standardization efforts for C#s core libraries. With
> > the recent change to BSDL/MIT licensing with one of the opensource
> > runtimes things are starting to look interesting.
> Can I run it on Linux?  Will a WORKING non-broken version ever run on
> Linux.

yes. Thats its primary target.

> > *if* there was an open, semi-stable platform then I am sure a fair chunk
> > of people would flock to it - especially if it is under a nice license
> > like MIT that both the BSD and GPL people seem to like.

you seem sure of yourself. I think there will be - many of the C people envy 
the java platform but few are willing to change languages and throw away 
years of invested effort. Theres big companies contributing to the opensouece 
version (which is why it is now MIT licensed).

> > If JDK1.5 comes out in time with all its very kool features I think Java
> > still has a fighting chance ... maybe. If the J2SE was opensourced then
> > it would almost win by default. However Sun is nowhere near as agile as
> > MS - still too much of a slow hardware company - so they will almost
> > certainly fall down in that area.
> So far I'm unimpressed with what has been added to 1.4 in the period of
> time its taken.  Mostly "candy" no meat.

er? Do you know whats in there ? NIO and decent accelerated GUI stuff is 
enough to make it one of the best releases yet.



Sorry, I forgot to take my medication today.

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