There has been a lot of talk about what is wrong with the
current main enterprise server platforms, whether it's
about J2EE, .Net or Oracle.

Many of the Jakarta projects provide a (IMHO) superior
alternative to parts of those platforms. Yet Jakarta as a
whole does not provide an alternative to the entire

I think it would be good if it did.

Why An Integrated Solution Would Be Nice
...should be rather obvious. The advantages are exactly what
makes many companies get a "complete solution" rather than a
loose set of components tied together.
"Welcome to the Jakarta software platform. _click here_ to
download the Jakarta Server Development Kit. It includes all
documentation you need; the documenation is also _available
Extensions to the base framework include content management
tools, template engines, and implementations of many
important java standards like Servlets and JMX. Browse the
_Jakarta Server Component Library_ to find the applications
you need."

Why It Doesn't Happen
------------------------------------------------------------ also pretty straightforward. Individual developers
work on the various Jakarta projects because they have an
immediate, specific need for the project they're working
on. So that's what they do.
There isn't enough people around devoting energy to
inter-project communication to get an integration project

What To Do
Besides paying Sam Ruby to become a fulltime communications
manager, there's a few things I think would help

1) as proposed before, a separate (from general) mailinglist
dedicated to general discussion. Sharing thoughts should
develop into sharing code every so often.

2) a statement of intent in important places on the website.
I'm guessing that putting "we would like to see tomcat
integrate with avalon" on the projects' respective websites
would mean that such will happen sooner.

3) creation of implementations of Java APIs that increase
interoperability between applications (JMX, JNDI, JMS).
Having a JMX implementation within the Apache fold would
definately ease the tying together of projects.

Why This Rant
I'm trying to state the obvious here. If anything, I'm
curious if anyone has figured out yet where jakarta wants
the balance between total-control-of-direction-from-above
and total-chaos-where-the-only-authority-is-cvs to be.

best regards,

- Leo Simons
(Avalon project)

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