On 23 Feb 2002, Pete Chown wrote:

> The other thing I would like to push is gcj.  It doesn't seem to be very
> well known.  For people who haven't come across it, it is part of gcc
> and it is an ahead-of-time compiler for Java.  It also includes a
> bytecode interpreter so it can deal with dynamically generated code, and
> a free implementation of the Java class libraries.

And many jakarta projects compile and work fine ( and fast ) using
gcj. I've got similar results with IBM's JDK1.3 for linux, which
is one of the fastest ( when testing tomcat ), except the startup
time which is much better. 

In addition there is an ant task to compile java to native using gcj
( it's part of j-t-c build process, the jkant package ).


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