I was thinking about another way of pushing Jakarta, partly in the
context of the issue with Sun.  If there was an open process for
standard setting, it could make Sun's closed process less important.

The IETF does well at being open, but I don't think they would get
involved in something like this.  Things like the RFC Editor function
are already overstretched just doing network standardisation.  However,
something along similar organisational lines could work.

The other thing I would like to push is gcj.  It doesn't seem to be very
well known.  For people who haven't come across it, it is part of gcc
and it is an ahead-of-time compiler for Java.  It also includes a
bytecode interpreter so it can deal with dynamically generated code, and
a free implementation of the Java class libraries.

To some extent a project like this is always trying to keep up with Sun,
but it isn't doing badly.  There is already some code (in CVS) to bring
it into compliance with some aspects of JDK 1.4, for example.  It will
also compile many of the Jakarta products.  There is a list of some
current ports at:


A community-based standards process, together with gcj would provide
independence from Sun.  It is tempting at the moment to embrace .NET,
but that would just tempt Microsoft to pull the same tricks in a few
years' time.  Microsoft is not in this out of altruism any more than Sun

The other point is that Sun will only change if they are given a reason
to.  They are a profit-making company and so of course they will act in
their own interests; that is how business works.  The Java Apache
projects have been one of the major reasons for Java's acceptance. 
Apache distancing itself from Sun would be a major reason for them to be
more accommodating.  (Admittedly Apache doing things with .NET would be
an incentive for Sun too, but my first point still holds.)

Right now, Java has a major threat from .NET, and Sun really shouldn't
be fighting with its allies...


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