Send in a patch or write one it seems like you've researched the issue
beyond *it sucks*.

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 06:16, Jeff Turner wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a page somewhere at, explaining why anyone would want to
> switch from GPL to ASL? The site paints a very inspiring picture of a
> world of Free Software. It would be nice if there was an Apache equivalent
> somewhere explaining the Apache philosophy. This could be used as ammunition by
> people trying to "convert" useful GPL'ed projects. I'm sure many Jakarta
> members have found themselves in this situation.

You must realize that there are different objectives.  It is the goal of
GNU to get all software to use the GPL.  It is not a goal of Apache to
get all software covered by the APL.  We're programmers, not lawyers. 
Most of make a living even writing software, not public speaking, etc.

> Personal perspective: I know I was quite shocked when I first heard someone
> here say "GPL sucks" (back in fighting-with-webmacro days:). I didn't know how
> to take it. What kind of philistine wouldn't want RMS's vision of Free Software
> to come true? It took me a long time (as a university student) to understand
> why the GPL truly does suck as a license for business use.
> So, a) is there anything out there already, and b) if not, anyone want to
> volunteer? :) I'm not very qualified, but could certainly provide something for
> a "testimonial" section.

Naw, you're perfectly qualified.  Write something, submit it and I'm
sure someone will correct any mistakes.  grab the jakarta-site2 module
and submit a patch.  use cvs diff -u 


> Here's a starting resource:
> "      Working Without Copyleft
>   It's possible to be an ardent supporter of open source development
>   and not be a fan of copyleft and the General Public License. In this
>   article the authors -- software developers -- relate how they came to
>   embrace copyleft, became disillusioned with its limitations, and
>   consequently turned away from it.
> "
> --Jeff
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