on 3/13/02 2:10 PM, "Steven Noels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, this is a vote prior to going public draft, so hopefully we are
> still able to raise even more attention and really get what we want. The
> comments of IBM and the like clearly indicate to me that the revised
> JSPA will not be 'nirvana'.
> </Steven>

Right...the real result is that Apache actually did 'win'. We raised the
awareness of the importance of having open standards and several 'large'
corporations backed our opinions in their comments, even though their votes
were 'yes' votes. It is nice to have the respect from these companies that
we have worked our asses off for the last 5+ years to gain (partially by
producing software that kicks ass over their own commercial software

There is no point in the ASF contributing to the JCP if we can't even
implement or run the test cases against our own contributions. However,
clearly our opinion matters a lot to other companies, so the pressure is
really on Sun now to fix things.


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