Still I think it is time for a Jon style headline on the front page. 
Perhaps something with shock appeal like "JSPA Vote Screws open source
and makes Microsoft look open" -- Just my opinion.  Send a press release
to CNET this time, they were quite interested.


On Wed, 2002-03-13 at 17:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Steven Noels wrote:
> > Sad, but true:
> >
> >
> Do not despair - you got something good - some biggies being quite vocal
> and supportive of a standpoint univocally attributed to apache -and-
> generally considered as reasonable and lofty. And rightly so !
> The above page, and comments, are public. And this will be seen and will
> be picked up by the industry.
> Really - the pressure is all on SUN to fix things. And some big companies
> have said in public that they expect tangible fixes.
> Good work guys !
> Dw
> -- 
> Dirk-Willem van Gulik
> Comments From
> >From On 11-Mar-2002, Apple voted YES with the following comment:
> Apple fully supports the issues that have been  raised by Apache and
> others, but the new JSPA represents a good step forward relative to the
> current one.  W On 11-Mar-2002, Apple voted YES with the following
> comment:
> Apple fully supports the issues that have been  raised by Apache and
> others, but the new JSPA represents a good step forward relative to the
> current one.  We believe taking this to community review may provide the
> input that is needed to refine the JSPA before it goes to public review.
> During the community review, we would like to work with the PMO to refine
> the JSPA to better reflect the needs of those participating in open source
> efforts.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11-Mar-2002, HP voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11-Mar-2002, Borland voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11-Mar-2002, Fujitsu voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11-Mar-2002, Oracle voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *** On 11-Mar-2002, Macromedia voted NO with the following comment:
> The free and creative spirit of the JCP should be directly and clearly
> manifested and protected legally. The major objections from the open
> source community argue that this is not the case, and we feel that the
> current language does not directly quell these concerns. We would like to
> see the issues that Apache raises on behalf of the open source community
> resolved in the JSPA itself before moving forward.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *** On 11-Mar-2002, BEA voted NO with the following comment:
> After considerable soul searching, BEA has decided to vote NO on this
> revision of the JSPA. While considerable effort has been exerted by all
> concerned and significant progress has been made, we still are not
> convinced that this JSPA would provide the level playing field we have
> long advocated for Java technologies. The concerns voice by Apache and the
> open source community is one avenue of concern as is the autocratic power
> that continues to be vested in spec leads enabling them to attempt
> mischief to obtain competitive advantage by controlling both the pace of
> innovation and the availability of that innovation to the marketplace.
> Unless and until these issues can be satisfactorily addressed, we prefer
> to stick with our current agreements.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11-Mar-2002, Caldera voted YES with the following comment:
> Caldera agree with a lot of the concerns expressed by Apache.  We would
> like to see more to be done to protect the interests of open source
> providers.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *** On 11-Mar-2002, Compaq voted NO with the following comment:
> Compaq shares Apache's concerns and IBM's concerns that the JSPA proposed
> revision provides insufficient protection for interests of open source
> providers and competitors (as enumerated at
> Compaq must therefor
> vote no on this proposed revision
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11-Mar-2002, IONA voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 09-Mar-2002, Doug Lea ABSTAINED FROM VOTING with the following comment:
> I share most of Apache's concerns. However, I also think that it would be
> useful to open this up to
> the scrutiny of all JCP members, not just the EC.
> These two factors cancel themsleves out, hence I
> abstain.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 08-Mar-2002, Nokia Networks voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *** On 06-Mar-2002, IBM voted NO with the following comment:
> IBM has consistently worked within the Java Community Process since its
> very inception to create a truly open environment with a level playing
> field where no single vendor has the ability to exert unnecessary control
> over Java technologies for their own proprietary advantage.  While the
> current draft of the JSPA is an improvement over prior agreements, we
> believe we should do more to guarantee specifications, implementations and
> test suites developed under this agreement will be developed with a
> broader view of Java communities in mind, and to guarantee they are
> licensed under terms and conditions that allow the widespread adoption of
> compliant Java technologies. The JSPA amendments proposed under JSR 99 do
> not provide these guarantees.
> IBM has always believed it is absolutely critical the Java community
> include Apache as well as the rest of the open source community in order
> to ensure the long term health and competitive vitality of the Java
> environment.  As a result, IBM is fully supportive of the open source
> community's need for Sun resolve all the issues raised by Apache at
> directly and
> unambiguously in the JSPA agreement itself.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *** On 05-Mar-2002, Apache voted NO with the following comment:
> Apache is unsatisfied the JSPA revision provides sufficient protection
> for our interests (as enumerated at
>  While we and others
> have worked long and hard on the JSPA revision and believe we have
> made progress from the previous JSPA, we cannot support a legal
> agreement which does not unequivocably satisfy these requirements.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 05-Mar-2002, Sun voted YES with no comment.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
-Ambassador Kosh

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