On 3/23/02 12:12 PM, "Danny Angus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Second, the price of the license will drop if independent
>> implementations are allowed.  For App Servers, I think the barrier of
>> entry is in the difficulty implementating the spec not in the licensing.
>> It's going to be JBoss, Weblogic, and Webspere for a long time. As
>> such, BEA and IBM will be thrilled to see a lower price -- assuming the
>> price was high.
> All this makes me wonder what influence the recently reported comments by
> Sun, disparaging OS access to J2EE in favour of their commercial interests,
> and the bad reaction that it got here and elsewhere, has had on the recent
> JSPA development.
> I'm a cynic when it comes to the motives of Selfless Big Business, and as
> such I see the JSPA announcement having the effect of oil poured on waters
> increasingly troubled on a number of seperate fronts.

What exactly does that mean?

> Perhaps thats being disingenuous towards Sun, or perhaps their PR does have
> that muscle, I honestly don't know.

> Either way I'd like to add my hearty congratulations to all the guys
> invloved in putting the Apache case, and hope that Sun is as good as its
> word, because if I understand the issue correctly it could lead to
> interesting times here and elsewhere.

I think that you will find that this is a step forward - the JSPA vote
showed Sun that there was significant interest in getting the open source
issues as defined by the ASF straightened out - even the 'Yes' votes had
explicit support for the Apache position, and the recent public statements
by Sun are specific to those issues, rather than vague promises.

Sun just didn't do this by themselves - there was a lot of hard work by the
ASF, spearheaded by Jason, Chuck and others, to ensure that this happened.

I am very, very confident things are as they appear.


Geir Magnusson Jr.                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the
freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin

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